Breaking news!

So I went done to Eugene this weekend to visit a friend ended up cutting my hair! The bottom two feet will soon be made into a wig for cancer patients. Its pretty weird, considering the last time I had short hair was when I was like eight...but I like it. I have been thinking about it for a long time and it was so gosh darn hot this weekend that I finally had the guts to do it. The lady who did it was really funny, she said my hair just wanted this haircut, because most people she has to texture it and stuff but mine was very well behaved. So anyway I thought I would share it with you all.
(This is a before picture)

You're haircut is Awesome!
Wow, that would be (your) Sorry!
Wow, that's really awesome. It looks great!
It does. Nice choice Sarah ^_^ <=Smiley face
I NEVER thought you'd do that!!! I am shocked!!! But it's super cute, I love it. By the way, Sarah, we never got together. Do you still want to try to make that happen? What about tomorrow, either the morning or evening after 7?
Your hair was really gorgeous before and it still looks great. I am doing the same thing with mine as you did. I'm in the process of growing my hair for Locks of Love. I want it to reach my waist before I cut it but it still has about 6 inches to go. Hopefully it grows that much before next year...
It's beautiful Sarah! You're beautiful and you always will be, no matter what length your hair is!!!! Excellent choice!!
wow man said,
Thanx guys!
I must say I never thought you'd cut your hair. It was so YOU. But it looks absolutely great--super cute!!! Now you have a gorgeous college look to take to Covenant!
Too bad you didn't get it cut during school so we could all gush over you in person!
So, somebody changed the settings, interesting.
Sarah I know it's been eons since you did it, but I think the new look is smashing! I too never would have predicted your doing this, but I think it was an excellent choice.
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