The First Snowfall!

Ok so, It went from fall to winter in 4 days! It snowed for the first time this season, up here in the great Spokane area. Although it is only a light dusting, it is still pretty cool. I'm excited for when it decides to dump. My friend and I went down to the soccer field and watched the girls play in the snow, plus it was freezing! Oh well, Hooray for the snow. You guys are really missing out!! That was like the most scatterbrained post ever but oh well! Luvs!
NOT fair. We haven't really even lost any leaves. I miss the orange and yellow of fall at home.
We're starting to have some pretty bare trees around here, but there are others that aren't as far along so it all is going at a nice varied pace. On a totally unrelated side note... I got a text message from Mrs. Magill today. Asking if I was a democrat yet. It was really random, I had sent a message to my friend asking if he'd eaten already and a couple minutes later the phone buzzed so I was like oh that's him, and I flipped it open and saw the name and I did a double take, I almost spilled my drink, but don't worry, I managed to get it set down before I could do any damage. All of that to say... it was a nice little out of the blue event.
Well no one's saying stuff on here so I'll just keep talking... it's the way I am as most of you know. But seriously, I've been thinking two things this evening... well three, but two are trivial and one was serious. The trivial first I think. For starters, is anyone as excited about James Bond as I am? It just looks so much better than any of the other ones, and Eva Green is arguably the prettiest Bond Girl yet, not to mention that Daniel Craig can actually act to save his life. The second trivial thing is that the one year date for our blog is approaching in a little over two months and we currently have 96 posts. So for the obvious symmetry of it I thought it would be sweet to make our hundredth post also our anniversary post. but we shall just see. The less trivial thing is... well it's too late to go into it now, but it's a good thing, I just went to this sweet church over the weekend, but it's a bunch to go into, so suffice it to say... it was sweet. Later, and for heaven's sake, somebody keep the conversation going from the last post on here. Oh, one more thing, One day Laura Wil, you simply must come down here for like a week straight, and totally debate like everything imaginable with practically everyone here! I'm not kidding, I'm always thinking, "Man, I wish Laura Wil were here because she could totally point out every ridiculous illogical little bit of what this person were saying, and then complete the retort with uber style and leave them dumbfounded." as it is I get all tongue tied and wind up sounding all flustered, I miss your excellence of argument ;)
Phillip's right, we haven't even lost leaves yet! And the weather can change in a day, cold and then hot; it's messing me up.
I'm excited for James Bond too Joel, hopefully I can get a group together to go see it.
I am soooo looking forward to coming home! I need a rest and want to see my family, anybody else?
Awww...thanks Joel. It's strange, I could debate my head off at Veritas, but around a bunch of illogical pagans, I end up just wanting to shoot them. Hmmm...I'll have to work on my diplomacy. But I'm sure you're doing an awesome job, Joel, mostly because you can actually produce intelligent thought. Some things people say don't even merit a response, like half the things people say in my Poli Sci class. A couple people are smart, but the rest of them just lean back in their chairs and spew forth intelligent sayings like, "Bush sucks" or "Conservatives suck" or "Let's go smoke pot". Basically... :o
Does any body know if Laura Gerlicher or Abigail is still viewing this blog? My Mother and Father in Law's (Catholic Priest), who is married and a former Presbyterian Pastor, (PC USA)attended Wheaton as a young man! His two daughters graduated from Whitworth. If you can't get the Catholics out of the Catholic Church you just pray the Presbyterian in! I am truly hoping to hear from one of those Wheaton girls!
So Cheslea just called me with the best news of the entire year: Josh Groban's new CD came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes :)
Needless to say, this chick is going to the store TODAY.
Whitney you'll have to tell me how the new cd is, and if it's got any songs as good as the ones on Closer (was that his first or second album?) Anyway, it's a pretty sweet day around here, as far as weather goes, there are a ton of huge grey clouds and the wind is blowing the leaves off of the trees like crazy, but when you go outside it's warm. Seriously, I figured I'd need a jacket or a sweatshirt or something, and I wound up just wearing a t-shirt and it was so nice.
So true Joel it's been like that here for the last two days. I love it. It's blustery but enjoyably warm and co fortable. And on the note of Josh Groban, I am also going to store today to hopefully get it. My friend and I listened to one of the ones he downloaded form the new cd and it's still our same old Josh!! P.S. You all need to check our Andrea Bocelli but he is amazing and did the Time to say Goodbye song that the first grads sang. just fyi check him out
Joel the CD is amazing, although I think I like Closer more, I don't know, I've only been listening to it for the last 24 hours. But yes, there are some REALLY good songs and in one of them, he sings with Imogen Heap!
Imogen Heap?!? That's it I'm getting it. I'm sure someone around here has to have it. I bet it will keep getting better as you listen to it. Seriously, when ever I get a new cd I listen to it the whole way through once to get a feel for it. Rent, Wicked, John Mayer, The Killers, pretty much all of them I like alright so I listen repeatedly and after about a month, when I know the whole thing backwards, I think to myself that there is no way I'm listening to the same cd I first heard. All that to say, I'm glad to hear it's good, does he still stress his "L"s? By the way Whitney, I owe your dad a huge thanks. This morning my alarm clock was unplugged! I still don't know how that happened, but the point is if I hadn't been woken (or is it awakened?) by your dad returning my call I would have undoubtedly missed class. I was like "why is my phone ringing this early?" and I looked to the clock, which was blank, and I was thinking "please God don't let me have missed class!" I had to tell everyone where Kyrgyzstan was you see. Anyway, that was my cuh-razy morning.
Nice Joel, that's wierd that MY dad was calling you. But it's cool that he saved you for class, I always wake up on Saturday to mom calling!!
And yes, the CD gets better as you listen more!!!!
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