Is This Too Much?

So I was just curious. I know all of you flew(i think) to college. Did any of you have this much stuff? This picture is actually missing and guitar, violin and one more small overnight bag, but I'm pretty sure I packed the whole house, or at least my whole room minus the bed. Anyway I leave on Friday so I love you all and will miss you. Don't forget to call me. you all have my #. So Whitworth here I come!
2 boxes
2 suitcases
1 dufflebag
1 more suitcase
and my dresser can't hold all my clothes...
Whitney can testify, I had two suitcases, my backpack and my laptop. That's it except a couple things like my blankets that she brought.
My head spins when I think of all the stuff I have to bring. I'm still debating over whether or not I should take all my dvds out of the cases and put them all into one of those huge cd books. It seems like the smart thing to do, but it seems like no matter what they end up scratched. And what if I lost the whole thing? I think you all know me well enough to say that I'd be in some sort of arrest at that point. Yes I think all the boxes will be the way to go. I suppose I'll go to the thrift store and get some of those sweet old suitcases, I was looking at them in Newberg the other day...oh yeah, styling. The only remaining items are books and of course George, but I can carry him with me. By the way Chelsea, I see you have a Dirt Devil...nice. Really, I'm envious. I think we've talked about this before, but how does it work with the time under the comments? For example, Tyler, did you leave that at 1:52 your time, or our time? Or does it look different in different time zones? These are the things I am forced to ponder while I wait around for school to start.
Your time...At least, I believe so.
Oh my gosh, so you really posted it at 4 in tha am! Man i am dead just staying up till 1;30 or so and having to get up at 7:00...
Did we tell you guys that there are 7 girls who use our bathroom? We have a suite style room, so there is the three of us (Phil, Maddie and I) in one room and then four other girls in the room next to us, and we all share a study room and a bathroom...its interesting when four of us have 8:00 classes on some days...
Anyway, i brought 2 large suitcases, 2 small/med and 1 carry on + my laptop, but i bought most of my bedding and towels and stuff here. sooo. How did you carry everthing? did your parents go with you chelsea?
Alright Tyler! rock on with the late/early hours. I'm kind of worried in that regard about when I'm at school, I have no self control when it comes to staying up late and I've been known to stay up way too late despite what I may have to do the next day. Seriously, just this last year I'd be up until like 3:00 on school nights. Doing what you may ask? not school work, no no no, I was playing freaking video games! Yeah, I'm not very good in that aspect of time management. Sarah and Philippa, do you guys think your room arrangement is best or not? At SOU we can have rooming like that in the later years but I don't know how I'd like it. My poor roommate is going to be overwhelmed, I just hope he doesn't hate me for bringing so much stuff.
Well, hopefully you won't hate him when he starts "boroowing" all your stuff...
Yeah, can't spell...that's supposed to be "borrowing" not the alien form that got posted.
Well, I was trying to teach myself calculus, just so you all know. not going so well either....
Joel, with regard to the movies, I have a cousin (well more of an adopted cousin) who goes to george fox, and he's a film freak too. He has a 200 movie collection that he brought with him from california, cases and all. So I don't know if that will help you decide, but I thought I'd put in my 2 cents.
Yeah, the more I think about it I realize I really need the whole disc and case set there to be real. And my dear sweet Laura, don't you worry, I'll have boxes, as in locking trunks, for all my movies, games, and cds, dear old Dax, and anyone else for that matter, will not be taking things without permission.
Glad to hear it...See, I know if I had a roommate, I'd propbably end up stealing (errr...borrowing) most of her stuff. I do it enough to my sister. I guess it's a good thing I won't be in a dorm.
Oh, and Joel, I just saw a great movie...made in the 70's, but otherwise not too bad. It's called Breaking Away. It's about a kid who just graduated from high school and doesn't want to do anything but ride his bike and join the Italian cycling team. Sounds dorky, I know, but it's a classic sports movie and I liked it much better than most of the recent underdog, "They can beat us, but they can't take our pride" sort of movie, replete with lots of hand-holding, Motown music and half-time speeches. Anyway, I liked it, even if the whole thing is rather's not about a particularly ground-breaking event, but being a recent graduate, I felt a little "in touch" with the premise.
Just fyi, though I'm sure everyone thinks "Hey, he's a film student, he must want to see every movie ever created!". Sorry.
Tyler, what's with trying to teach yourself complicated math? I'm sure you can do it (though you couldn't pay ME to). But...uh...what inspired the decision?
Thanks for the reccomendation Laura. I've checked it out around the various websites I use these days and it looks good. Don't worry about giving recommendations, I'm always glad to have them. I must admit though that recently I've been watching more TV shows than movies. See I was watching House and that was good, but then on Tuesday Desperate Housewives season two came out on DVD and that means I drop all else. The hitch is that my brother Andrew paid for half of DH so now that he's off to camp for the week I can't watch anymore without him. At this point I went to the rental store and got the first season of Grey's Anatomy because I love that Snow Patrol song Chasing Cars and everyone relates the show and the song to each other because of the season two finale. Now while three tv shows doesn't sound like a huge load, it must also be considered that I'm trying to watch the nine hour Godfather series and so far I'm only half way through number one. You want pressure on a film student, try watching one of the most famous trilogies knowing that if you dislike, it everyone else who does like it will assume that you just didn't get it.
See after all that you may be still thinking that I don't need recommended movies, but here's the thing, I always want to have movies in numerous catagories (especially family ones)so that if my parents decide to have a family movie watching, or if I want to bring a movie when I'm watching a bunch of kids, or whatever, I'll have something to watch.
In conclusion, I'll return the recommendation with one of my own for you. I don't know if you've heard of the movie "Brick" but one way or the other, you should watch it. It's rated R, which might as well be addressed when reccomended, but it's seriously tame. There's one head shot, but it's pretty fast and a ways off, besides that the whole thing takes place in a shady world of thugs and drug dealers and so forth, but don't be worried, it's actually really good. It's like an old fashioned crime novel and they all talk in this elevated language even though they're supposed to be in high school. It's shot so well and it's so serious about itself, I really liked it, I'll probably buy it when I find it. You ought to see it Laura, because there's a character named Laura and she's totally awesome. Yeah, I gotta go, I never even planned to type this much but you know how these things go. Anyhow, I'll try to watch that movie and I'll let you know what I thought.
Yeah, I've heard about Brick and actually it sounds pretty cool. World magazine (which is usually level-headed, but I can't always trust their movie reviews)thought the ending was too violent. But, I guess I'll just have to it out on video?
Yes it's out on video, and might I second Joel's recommendation. It was awesome! I actually watched it twice because the language is almost code like and it goes by so fast that sometimes I didn't catch what was going on. It's not that violent. You see one violent shot but the rest is only heard. Also the main character is the little kid from Angels in the Outfield. I hope that didn't kill the rest of what I had to say or what Joel said because it really is an awesome movie! WATCH IT!
Perhaps I shall...and as for people talking incoherently, I just watched "16 Blocks" with Bruce Willis. Not a huge fan of his, but the movie was cool mostly due to the fact that it also starred Mos Def, who is amazing. Unfortunately, he also spoke so strangely that I had a hard time understanding him. He was pretty great and Bruce Willis was bearable, making the movie decent enough.
Laura?!? what is this dislike for Bruce Willis? Didn't you ever watch Die Hard or The Sixth Sense? He's also like the second best character in Pulp Fiction. He's all trying to cheat his boss but then he gets caught and almost killed and even though he hates his boss he goes back into what can only be called a situation worse than hell to save said boss because he has honor, and best of all he kills the pervert rapists with a Katana. Yeah, he was pretty good in that. Of course he's aalso made some pretty lame ones; The Kid, Unbreakable, Armageddon... things like this.
Yeah but then he came out with Hostage which was awesome and totally made up for the stupid ones!
Okay, um i agree with you on liking Bruce Willis, but not on the movies of his you dislike. Unbreakable? good, though not the best M. Night movie. The Kid, great acting on his part but a strange premise.
Ok, I will admit that the thing I hated most about The Kid was the brat who played the little boy, I can't stand him in anything, so it wasn't really Bruce's fault. As for Unbreakable, I just hated the story so I can't really blame him for that either. I guess the fact just is that when I don't like a movie he's in, it's not really his fault.
Yeah, I guess I agree with you on unbreakable. It was a good premise, it just dragged on and on and on... It's just that if you're going to do a movie that centers on superheroes and comic books (oh, excuse me, graphic novels), you need to have a decent amount of action.
With The Kid, the boy in the movie was supposed to be a brat, but I don't really like him that much either. He did do an okay job in The greatest game ever played- at least I think that's what it's called.
Yes, I admit I loved him in The Sixth Sense and he was good in Unbreakable. I loved the ending in scary monsters or dead people, just a way creepy homicidal maniac (Samuel L. Jackson, can't be beat). Otherwise the movie was a little long and not much happens.
But sometimes, at least when he's trying to play world-weary characters, something about his acting just kind of bugs me. Most of the time he's pretty good. So I don't know if I just like movies that he happens to be in or if I actually like the movies because he's in them. It's all rather confusing...suffice it to say sometimes I can't stand him, sometimes his characters are great. It just depends on who he's trying to portray.
Gee, there's me sounding all analytical. I don't really know what I'm talking about....
But I've never seen Pulp Fiction, though I've been told many a time how great it is. Unfortunately all those times I've heard it's praises sung, people are always like, "It's a great movie...Of course there are some REALLY, REALLY bad parts in it, which were shocking...otherwise it's brilliant." Hmmm....
On the topic of Pulp Fiction, what I told my dear and worried mother when it came into discussion is that harsh stories can teach good lessons. The whole thing with Bruce Willis is one of those things because it's all about honor and doing what's right even if you don't want to. It's the same moral they just don't use little kids returning twenty-five cents in extra change to the cashier to teach it. Also, as violent as it is, most of the violence is off the screen. And in final defense I'll point out that it teaches what every good boy and girl should know... how to administer a shot of adrenaline to bring someone out of an overdose induced coma. By all accounts it's a piece of film history so at very least I can write off watching it as part of school/poiesis study.
if we're still on the bruce willis topic I must say that I think the fact that he almost always plays "world-weary" characters may be caused by the fact that his face looks the part. Notice that people who have naturally weary looking faces don't play happy, upbeat characters. He also just might be a person who suffers from typecasting, but that's just my two cents.
Good point Legion, his die hard line is like the quintessential action movie quote. I love it in the first one when Alan Rickman says it back to him. I'd never heard that about Osama's head.
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