
Well, I suppose you could say that this post is soly to divert everyone and just for the purpose of a new and happy post. I was sitting here thinking, what can I post about? I looked around on google and came up with these. Aren't thay sooo cute? I love bulldogs. Well, and kittens, and ferrets, and fish and birds, and mice (domestic ones!) and well, Animals! God has made such an amazing and beautiful world.
God made this amazing world, true..but look what the humans r doing to it with all that hatred and wars. I sometimes wish ppl could be as peaceful as little puppies and kittens...instead ppl end up being idiots.
Hmmm. well after that comment, what can I say. Those puppies are totally cute. I don't know what it is about baby anything. It seems like they're always cute. At least to s. Have you ever heard Mr. Smith give his speech on how s think everything is cute? It goes pretty much like this:
" If it's little, s think it's cute." Hmmm... Do I agree? I'm not sure.
Seriously. My computer won't let me type the word g i r l. It's ridiculous. I guess it thinks I'm going to type something gross.
The Juniors/ now seniors have some intereseting videos up on their blog.
Unfortunately i can't access them becuase I don't have the software...
What nothing to say about bulldogs Tyler?
She probably won't come back to check, but I wanted to thank Keshi for her comment. I think it is always nice/interesting to have a comment from outside our "little community". I have to agree. God made the world perfect and what do we humans do the first chance we get? Mess it up and do weird crazy things.
Take the bulldog as an example: they are the one animal i know of that are designed by man, and in truth they are pretty messed up. thousands of years ago there were pugs and mastiffs, someone decided to breed them together (don't ask about the size difference). Anyway, man then specifically bread bulldogs to suit their purpose. Dum dum dum (dark theme music plays)which was bullfighting! Notice the bulldogs loose skin, so that when a bull tries to guoge it, his horns simply graze the dogs skin and slip away. Notice the short tail, so that the bull has nothing to bite. Notice the short nose, so that the dog can easily and firmly grip the bulls nose (which was the object of bull/dog fighting). Notice the short legs and heavy body, the front legs are particularly built up and when my bulldog plays tug-a-war, he drags them on the ground, but the back legs are nimbler and dance around, keeping control and balance. Unfortunately, the people succeded in creating a superior bullfighting machine, not careing what it did to the animals themselves. bulldogs are incapable of surviving on there own. they are dependant on humans because they can't hunt, there one skill in defending themselves is hanging on, and certainly can't clean thenselves (which needs to happen because they get infections, etc. often) not to mention tthere shoulder, hip and breathing problems.
Anyway, that was probably more then any of you wanted to know about bulldogs, but i have today off work and was in a history lesson mood.
That's pretty interesting. I knew some of that stuff, but not all of it. I didn't know they came from mastiffs and pugs. Cool.
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