I'll be leaving at 4:00 tomorrow morning and following Sarah to Covenant. I had my last voice lesson, my last dance class, and finished up the last of my packing today. AND I bought a digital camera finally (hence the picture here)! Farewell all (except Sarah who I guess I can't avoid seeing ;-) and see you at Christmas!
Good luck! And don't get into tooo much trouble...
Philippa, were there any Snakes on your plane? just kidding of course, but for real now, good luck. When do classes actually start for you and Sarah? Do you have any basic ones together?
Bye Phil!!! I hope college is absolutely splendiferous!!!
Phew, back from camp, internet up. Good luck at college everyone, I hope you and your roommate(s) get along well and that social/academic balancing isn't too hard...like it will be for me...anyway...I too look forward to seeing everyone at Christmas. To save on exspenses, would we also like to celebrate missed parties during that time? Or should we try to mail gifts to said birthday person?
P.S. Dorm room pictures on my blog.
Hmmm...Don't know. You all should decide...maybe it would be nice to get gifts at college, maybe it wouldn't. It's up to you.
I'm glad you survived camp, Tyler(at least it sounds like you did)...college can only get better, right?
Okay, since you left a note on my blog I have to leave one on yours...even though technically it's not yours...this is weird. Okay, anyway, have fun, stay out of trouble, I miss you, and whatever you do DO NOT EAT HUSH PUPPIES!
WHat's wrong with Hush Puppies? As long as they aren't shoes...
Um, i'm lost, what are hush puppies? for some reason i'm thinking they are stuffed animals....and then "oliphant hunter"?
I do believe hush puppies are food. But i also think they sound like a great brand of shoe...unlees they already are and I missed something. And Oliphaunt hunter could only be legion...am I right?
Hush puppies are already shoes but I don't think they make them anymore. They're also some sort of breaded food I think. I heard they were supposed to be really good!
There's an ad in one of my magazines for hush puppies shoes...but Heather says they're also a kind of food. So I suppose it would be bad to eat hush puppy shoes anyways, but maybe you shouldn't eat the food either, I really don't know. ;)
When I had hush puppies (for the sake of the current discussion), they were fried, crunchy, cornmeal things...rather gritty, actually. I don't really want to repeat the experience.
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