As Far Apart As Possible

The Lives and Times of the Veritas Graduated Class of 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Christmas Break

I do believe we have a certain...well, watch the video... to accomplish over break. The only question is, when? When do you all get back for christmas break? When do you leave? Would you like to before or after?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyler, that is a pretty awesome makes me want to watch the movie NOW, but I guess I'll wait. Truly, though, I don't think we can only watch the Empire Strikes Back. We need resolution, i.e. Return of the Jedi.

And basically, I'm here right now. And the only thing that matters to me is the day of the week, because I'd have to check my work schedule.

October 29, 2006 3:59 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

October 29, 2006 7:50 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Hey guys, you might want to check out my last two blog entries. Well... just see for yourselves...

October 29, 2006 7:52 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I have word that the graduation slide show dvds are done! That's just what I heard, but I have it on good authority and I can't wait to get it! I've been wanting to watch it so badly. As for Star Wars... I had never watched the original all three until just this summer before I left... it's a chunk to be sure. Oh and on that note... you'll never realize how cheesy they are until you're watching them with someone who's never seen them before. I don't like them any less... it's just that I saw them differently than I had before. those of us raised on it are like those little British kids who eat that candy and they like it but it tastes like soap to people who haven't acquired a taste for it. All very strange.

October 30, 2006 11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes the graduation videos are done and it isn't just the slideshow, it's a video of the ceremony as well. although my dad cut out the majority of the bagpipes because, i'm sorry, it's just to painful to listen to.;)But for those of you who have some strange addiction to bagpipes, it is in the video in some form, along with the weird little noises at the end.
And on the starwars note, I absolutely adored the movies when i was younger, and played "starwars" literaly every recess in first grade. I went back and watched them with my sister a while ago, and busted up laughing every 30 seconds. that doesn't mean i don't like them, but I swear, only harrison ford realized what a comedy the movies are.

October 31, 2006 7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! I too have been awaiting the release of our graduation video with great anticipation...

And really, the Star Wars movies are best watched with running commentary by the audience. The old movies seem to be enjoyably stupid (hey, it was the 70's). The new ones...yeah, they're painful at times. I used to play Star Wars with a friend and my sister. I was always Han Solo, down in the hold of the ship, and I was always fixing the hyper drive and getting electrocuted.

October 31, 2006 8:38 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

Laura you're lucky, I always had to fight to play Han Solo but between my friends and older brother I usually struck out and wound up playing something crappy like Bosk. I should have been Boba Fett but I wasn't thinking straight... don't judge me I was young. I think if Star Wars playing came up again I'd have to go for Anakin, not because I care about his character at all, but because that would make Natalie Portman my wife... and I could live with that. Anybody doing anything fun for Halloween? So far all I've seen is people walking around in cloaks or in medieval outfits... but it is Ashland, so I have yet to decide if that's just the locals or what.

October 31, 2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

For anyone who cares... in other words Phil and Tyler, apparently the Halo movie has been officially postponed. Universal and 20th Century Fox both backed out as financial backers and Peter Jackson says that he's sure it will eventually get made but for now it's on hold. Probably more of a blessing than anything because they could have ruined a perfectly awesome game... then again, I must admit I was looking forward to it on the silver screen. Alright then, talk to you all later.

October 31, 2006 1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have Reformation Night--Philippa and Abby would know what that's all about. Anyway, I'm going to be very creative and imaginative and dress as a...peasant!! Woot-woot.

Well, Joel, my sister always got to be Boba Fett, because, let's face it, next to Han Solo, he's the best character in those movies. I'm sure that as Anakin you'd have loads of fun slaughtering the "younglings"...hehe...

October 31, 2006 4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this sounds pathetic, but I was always Luke. I know now he's about the most stupid character in the movies, but hey, he got to sling around a lightsaber! Ergo, I get to find a big long piece of barkchip on the playground and run around trying to hit people with it. What more can you ask for? I even got one of those collapsible lightsabers for home and a black turtleneck for episode six. Yeah, I know, but hey, I was seven years old...

October 31, 2006 10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I even liked the ewoks. *shudder*

October 31, 2006 10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A djibbid yubbu tuh! (Don't go dissing the Ewoks!!)((does it even remotely sound like Ewok speech?))

November 01, 2006 2:34 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Heh, it doesn't take halloween for people around here to wear elf ears, long cloaks and carry swords. Remember it's LeNerdo. I swear, people just walk aound with elf ears and such. Kinda creepy. Swordfights even break out on the berm now and then...

November 01, 2006 7:44 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

Phil, look out for yourself, I think I speak for all of us when I say that the last thing we want is to see you on the front page of the paper in relation to a tragic drive by... swording. I'm just kidding around, though I do know what you mean.

As for the Ewok language, the only two I know specifically are:
ahkeylata and eechawama. Don't judge me just remember that for a few years there I didn't have a life outside of Star Wars.

November 01, 2006 10:12 AM  
Blogger Chels said...

Oh my gosh guys, my school did the funniest thing last night. Gonzaga is the catholic coolege in town and since last night was Reformation day,tons of people from Whitworth went to Gonzaga and posted the "95 theses why Whitworth is better than Gonzaga" They put them EVERYWHERE!! Don't hate me but one of them was "the students at Gonzaga are so permiscuous that they call everyone father in order to save on paternity tests" Not my words. I laughed so hard, I just hope that they don't retaliate with a counter-reformation

November 01, 2006 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Chelsea that is hilarious!! LETU didn't do anything like that that I know of, i was acually at a playoff football game and then the airport till 1 in the morning, but o, I didn't do anything crazy. I actually forgot that it was Halloween most of the day, even though there were some pretty crazy costumes worn!

November 01, 2006 5:17 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Hey, sorry to bring up LOST, but there are 2 things worth noting about next weeks episode. 1. (For the girls) Kate supposedly chooses which guy. 2. Nathan Fillion will be a guest (Capt. Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly.)

November 01, 2006 8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't really care about the whole Kate fiasco, but if Capt. Reynolds is on the show, I'm there!

November 01, 2006 8:28 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I may just have to tune into that one as well. He's such a funny actor. In fact, now I want to watch some Firefly, or at least Serenity. Dang the power of suggestion!

November 01, 2006 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might just have to kill someone...I can't believe Eko is dead. He was just about the best character in that series, and now, the only reason I'll have to watch Lost is Desmond. Bet he'll kick it too. I know who I want to die: the new couple who went with Locke and the rest. They were bothersome. Grrr....of course, once Eko was all "resolved" and confronted his inner conflicts, you knew he was toast.

November 02, 2006 9:15 AM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Thank you for that spoiler, Miss Wison, seeing as how I had yet to see that episode...

November 02, 2006 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...that pretty much sucked but I saw it coming. Eko's time was running out, it was obvious. What interests me is if Jack is going to do the operation and kill Ben which would do us all a HUGE favor seeing how that man is Satan himself. And then there is the whole Kate and Sawyer thing, if you saw the preview for next week, you are about as nervous as me, because it showed Sawyer with a gun to his head!!! Which saddens me to no end seeing how Kate can no longer turn to Jack becasue we al knew the minute we sae her that Juliette and Jack are going to end up together.....Kate's loss.

November 02, 2006 11:27 AM  
Blogger Tyler said...

K...thank you AGAIN for the spoilers. You are only spared my wrath because I've now watched the episode. Geez people, loose lips sink ships, have some discression! On a happy note, I thought it was a VERY good episode...SPOILER WARNING

Just who was that guy with the eye patch? Have I just forgotten about him? Is the smoke the devil or something? What will Jack do? What will Kate do? And what is Sawyer planning (the guys always planning)? What about the "We're next"? Bwa ha ha I love this show!


November 02, 2006 3:50 PM  
Blogger Phil said...


never mind, that was lame. So how many episodes do I need to watch to catch up?

Hey joel, have you ever considered advertising on this blog?

November 02, 2006 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I hope that when Eko said "You're next", he specifically meant Locke, because I hate Locke.

Sorry for all the spoilers, Tyler, but as you were the one who broached the subject of Lost, I assumed you'd be watching it on TV. Guess not...

Yeah, what is with the smoke? Last season, when Eko made Charlie take him to the heroin plane, the smoke thing followed them around. Eko pushed Charlie up a tree and then stared down the smoke until it went away.

Is next week the last episode until the spring?

November 02, 2006 5:25 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Well, when Locke is asked "What did he say?" Locke's reply is "We're next." not "I'm next." soooo

November 02, 2006 5:35 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Phil, I've thought about advertising on here, but I wasn't ever sure what it would wind up being like so I've never gone through with it. I tried doing it on my movies blog but I've never heard anything back about it. Do you do it one your blog? If so, how does it all work?
As for Lost, are they seriously taking a break for that long? I know most shows take hiatuses, but that seems longer than normal.

November 02, 2006 6:49 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Well, what I'm doing is using adsense. It is best with high traffic websites but, I'm playing around with it. It's pretty simple, with an ordinary website one just pastes html, but blogger makes it easier by having an adsense option under template. The ads are unobtrusive, context sensitive and match the blog color scheme. It just requires an adsense account. I really don't know what kind of yields are possible on a blog, but like I said, I'm experimenting, mostly for fun. I have yet to make a cent ;)

November 02, 2006 10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are indeed taking that long of a break. And I see no reasons for or against ads unless money is involved.

November 02, 2006 11:36 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I don't know if I could handle having a show I watched regularly off that long. Seriously, I only watch three, but they're like my regularly scheduled down time. I hate to sound dependent here, but I need the ridiculous little drama of them all to laugh at. Though I will say that Desperate Housewives on Sunday is going to be intense! I just know that they'll go on hiatus soon, they haven't taken a break thus far and both of my other shows have. I sound really obsessed, but in reality it's no more than anything else I like... ok maybe I'm obsessed. But it's alright because I'm reading. Has anyone read Steven King's The Dark Tower series? There's seven of them and they always looked kind of interesting so I've ordered the first through the library here and as soon as I'm done with Artemis Fowl I'm going to start. I really hope they're good because it's fun to read a set of good books when they're all already out. No breaks you see.

November 03, 2006 12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unlike Harry Potter.

November 03, 2006 9:28 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

Ugh, Don't remind me!

November 03, 2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Personally, having read both series that are completely finished, and those that are still coming out, I find I favor those in the middle. Or near the end. I like to be able to read the majority at my leisure and then have to wait for the last few. Like my series "The Wheel of Time". One book every few years. And the author was just diagnosed as having a rare blood disorder, so it will take even longer. The solution? Multiple series! Have more than one series you're waiting on! Makes it feel like a new book every few months.

November 03, 2006 9:20 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

That's a good point Tyler, perhaps the recent closure of A Series of Unfortunate Events is the real reason for my picking up a new series. I've thought about reading that one about a golden compass, or maybe a spyglass or something. I'm not sure exactly, but I keep hearing about them and what I hear is generally positive. Ok, I've done some searching around between that last sentence and this one and I was almost there. The books of which I speak are the "His Dark Materials" trilogy which is made up of "The Golden Compass" "The Subtle Knife" and "The Amber Spyglass" anyway, have you read them Tyler? If you have and they're dreadful let me know. On a different note, I just got back from seeing Marie Antoinette and now must write a review of it. I liked it though so hopefully that will make it easy. Has anyone else seen it?

November 03, 2006 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to read the Dark Materials books, and they were really dark and morbid and strange. Not like harry potter dark, but... I don't know- strange is the best way to describe it. It just seemed like there was no comic relief, just the same heaviness. Sorry, I kind of went off on that.
But on a funny LOST sidenote, Steven King was referenced in the season premier-the book the bookclub was reading was Carrie- and (I am going somewhere with this), the name of the artist who is illustrating the Dark Tower series is named Jae Lee, which is the name of Sun's lover. Anyways, no point in that sidenote, but I just thought you might be interested.

November 03, 2006 11:24 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

A very long time ago my mom read the first book, The Golden Compass, outloud. I cannot remember much, 'cept that it was saddish. I do not know how well it was written or anything. Sorry.

November 04, 2006 12:48 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

that's ok Tyler, I'll probably put it on my list after the steven king books, which I won't even realistically finish until after HP7 is out, so there's like 8 books I gotta read before I even get a chance to start. That is pretty funny about LOST Sara, for the record, I always am up for little interesting things of that nature, they're fun to hear about and tell. I went on a little bit of a sharing spree a while back when I did some research into some of Disney's less wholesome additions to their animated movies. Anyhow, Carrie is another book I want to read, but really I jsut want to watch the movie. The only thing I want right this minute is sleep! I've been in the empty cafeteria working on math for three hours! Seriously, I have table space here so I work down here because I can get in from my dorm common room. All that info to say that I'm finally done and can enjoy the weekend without stress.

November 04, 2006 3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you Joel.

I saw most of Carrie a while ago. Unfortunately, it was late at night and I was the only one awake, meaning it was all the more disturbing. Not a very pleasant movie....

November 04, 2006 10:12 AM  

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