Looking back - January
This will be, I hope, a montage of pictures, events, and quotes from the first month of a year of blogging. I will try not to be partial to myself. I swear. I also thought, that in the month of Thanksgiving, this is a nice thing to be thankful for.
"Hey guys, if you're reading this you made it to our blog, I should be studying for Art History and French, but I'm not and that's the way it is. Anyway, by now finals will be over for us so have a good week end and make a post!
Joel" - First post
i'm not crazy, just a little impared said...
HOORAY for this awsome blog!! the only problem is that i can't figure out for the life of me how to actually post a blog! i know you told us the password and name in class joel but it wont work for me, i think i a definatly doing something wrong. definatly" - First comment

"We are going to die in 6 minutes, but then it's almost over." - Which Final was this for?

Where we were also first directed to Joel's Movie Blog
Ab said...
oh yeah, kiss me baby, on the lips, a big wet one!! - Remember this?
Finals are Done, and A Story Revealed! - Beginning of Mister Buck's story! The comments contain many good quotes, too many for me to just copy paste.

Our last semester!
And thus we finish the first day of our last semester together. Think about all the great times we have had, the memories we've shared, the tests we've survived, and the friendships we've built. I hope and pray that we can finish strong. I love you all! Laura Girl
"Another day has come and gone. another year has past, another season starts to fade and here we are at last. And now it's time to turn the page, this chapter must now end although it's time to say good-bye to everlasting friends..."
Love you, Chels
Someone needs to say something about that Mrs. Magill.

And holy crud, this is the comment recordholder!! - Phil, when this post hit 20 comments. It eventually maxed out at 23!
Okay, I hope you all enjoyed this. If so, we have several months worth of history to review! (Although I think a stop at July or so would be good, don't want too much recent history, not as exciting as a good dig through the archives!) Do you all want February, or should I wait a month?
Tyler, that's one of the coolest posts ever. I'm not even exaggerating. How long did it take? I love how our first posts are all shorter than our average comments nowadays. Very nice work, we ought to host Blog awards so we can give you Originality of Vision... or something like that. As for which final was preceded by the prophecy of doom I want to say that it was the language final because the night before I was studying for French and art history the day before. And I recall that Art History was the very last because my hand hurt so bad from all the writing that I nearly took to writing with the pen in my mouth. Since we are recollecting in this post, I'll remind everyone of the fun that followed that last final. Whitney, Laura Wilson, and Abigail (if I remember right) went to Whitney's house as soon as fourth period was over. Many other students left the school which made music class very empty. Personally, I went to Fred Meyer to buy a copy of Pulp Fiction (as a gift) and a year long membership to XBox Live. I remember the day vividly in fact, I made a stop to taunt the girls at Whitney's house but was not allowed entrance as there were no adults home and it would not have been on the level so to speak. I returned to school for last period where most of us reconvened for Physics where we worked on those math problems that were meant to help us when we had to test into/through college math. Does anyone remember what music we listened to? If not it's probably because it was very quiet and we ended up cleaning for the last half of the class. Mrs. Magill never could get us to work hard for too long, though I must say I'd take a nice sheet of sums over cleaning the white boards any day.
Cleaning the white boards was the best! I actually miss it (really, truthfully).
Ah, finals...I can actually look back on them with something like fond rememberence. I felt bad ditching Mrs. Mehler's class because so many people did all the time (and I'm finding that I really miss Music), but hanging out with Whitney and Abigail was great fun. Especially when we denied Joel entrance ;). You did kind of scare us...
Anyway, great post Tyler.
I remember that day well too. That was the day I had to go to court and then take both the french final and the art history final right in a row without a break. It pretty much sucked but I survived and am probably a better person for it...or something sickingly optomistic like that. Was that really just all January?
sorry I don't think "sickingly" is a word!
Chelsea I think that sickeningly is a word that means what you meant. And you want sickening? Try listening to the whole table around you erupt into these little cheers at the news that San Francisco passed their measures (or whatever) to try to impeach the president and vice president. Everyone's like oh I hope they do it, and I'm like... "Yeah, because it's just that easy, Bush had better start packing." The point is, the conversation digressed into all this dooms day crap about how America will never be the land of the free again or something like that. Not fun.
Oh, I know! I was positively dreading today in Poli Sci, where the class liberals were sure to being doing victory dances around the room in celebration. Ended up not being too bad, but I heard my share of "Democrats have control of everything! Rumy's out! Arizona didn't ban gay marriage! Oregon lets children kill their babies! Woot-woot!". Yeah, sickening is about the word for it.
Good memorey Laura! Oh that was so much fun, we scared ourselves sneaking around Aaron's house too and then we sat there and talked about poeisis and graduation like it would never happen. Now look at us.
On another note, who watched LOST last night???? Why in the heck are they not showing new episodes until Februrary!!! I was soooo mad and annoyed because last night's episode ended in the middle of a sentence!!!! UGh, I called Greg and just yelled in his ear for five minutes I was so mad.
Stupid show.
Amen, sister.
And half the show was taken up with Kate and Sawyer and....yeah, anyway....
Redeeming quality: Captain Reynolds was in it. Big plus. Unfortunately, he got stuck with Kate, and it could only end badly. Otherwise, it was one of those episodes where I guess stuff happened (what with Jack and his scalpel), but at the end, you're basically where you started.
And then they tell you...stay tuned for the next amazing Lost episode where all secrets will be revealed! Of course, you'll have to "stay turnd" until February, but I'm sure none of the viewers actually want to know what's going on, do they?
Oh, and I remeber we watched parts of Braveheart with Abby, so she could actually see the action we tried to descibbe to her on the way home from the beach..."Ok, now, Hamish throws the sword....oh, wait, that was William getting beheaded...NOW he throws the sword...uh, actually NOW..." That soundtrack has way to many climaxes for its own good.
I don't know if you guys checked, but february was a HUGE blogging month. Seriously, soooo many posts, soooo many interesting posts! Hmmm
Laura Wil,
You need to begin wearing these T's to your Poli Sci class!
Those shirts are really funny. If I had a back bone I'd buy one and wear it around here. Whether or not I have a back bone, I suppose, remains to be seen.
Has anyone watched the new Spider-Man 3 trailer? I seriously can't believe that series. It's like... perfect. For comic book movies anyway. Obviously I can't judge it until I've seen it, but if the trailer is any kind of indication it's gonna be just as good as ever. And for heaven's sake, in the vast world of lame and pointless movies (superhero or otherwise) these ones just keep looking awesome and having a message that holds some water. Watch it ASAP if you haven't already, it's on ifilm.com and I think it's the movie I'm looking forward to most for next summer. I can reevaluate that opinion when trailers for HP5 and Pirates 3 come out, but it's not likely to change let me tell you.
Watched the trailer, Joel...must admist it looks pretty darn good. I've never been able to completely love the Spiderman movies because of Mary Jane. She bugs me. But the third movie looks amazing. The thing I do like about those movies is that even though they're super-hero movies, the stories are always so character-driven, not costume-driven. They feel a lot less contrived.
Agree with trailer, swing dance fun, sleep immenent, spelling gone.
YES!!! THOSE SHIRTS ROCK!!!! im gonna buy some now...
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