As Far Apart As Possible

The Lives and Times of the Veritas Graduated Class of 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Laura Wil was right! Freshman year is a drag.

So, yeah. we were having a hall meeting, and about 30 min. into it our RA was like "OK its 10:26, ya'll have 4 min. to go to your rooms and find the craziest thing you can find to put on. Run!" so we scambled and had a dress up party for initiation into our Hall called Halcyon. Then we all went to Crispy Creams, dressed up of course. So this is Phil and I, with our roomate, Maddie in the background.
Its been fun, but the crunch is starting to set in, and homework is pileling on...I seriously can't spell.
Anyway, I had one more thing to say: In our building, Maclellan, all the various halls have a movie compitition. Were somebody comes up with or finds a story and then we all perform it. Soooo Phil and i were wondering if ya'll had any ideas, (i.e. Joel) By the way, besides being a peaceful, mythical bird, Halcyon is a drug...That should get you started.


Blogger Sarah said...

By the way, someone else needs to post, Hint hint Jane, Abby, Joel...We feel like we're monopolizing. Sort of...

August 29, 2006 9:57 PM  
Blogger Chels said...

sweet threads! sound like you guys are having fun. I feel kinda luck because I don't have classes for another week.

August 29, 2006 11:10 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Sarah, you're so thoughtful. I'll post something one of these days. I'm so busy though and nothing I do is worth telling about. There's pretty much driving of the tractors and watching of the movies. maybe I'll put up pictures from the beach. One way or the other, it's much more interesting to hear about you all who are off already at school. It helps the last of us to go feel less stressed. Oh and yeah, awesome outfits.

August 30, 2006 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool, you two. Hmm...drugs and birds...good grief...I've not a clue.

August 30, 2006 12:23 PM  

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