As Far Apart As Possible

The Lives and Times of the Veritas Graduated Class of 2006

Friday, January 26, 2007

One Year Anniversary

Well I tried posting a video from YouTube... twice! It didn't work either time so I thought maybe there was a good picture to commemorate the occasion. As it turned out I have few pictures of our class as a whole and none of them really fit the bill either. I know it's terribly boring, but I've decided to put up a post without a picture or a movie. Just simple little words, I suppose they'll serve the purpose fine. The point of all this is that this is the one year anniversary of our blog! 100 posts in the archives, 2141 comments to wade through, and you've got a pretty interesting portrait of our class for a year involving our graduation and separation as we set off into the "real world." To say it was the most interesting website of my year would be an understatement, but it's true nonetheless. Here's to the good times (for there were many) and to the not so good times (there were those too) it's been pretty sweet over all. I'd say that it's nice to have considering that we're now "as far apart as possible" but that would be cheesy, and a lie because one of us could be in Belgium and that would be farther apart than we currently are. Be that as it may, I feel I must make honorable mention of our dear Mrs. Magill for unknowingly coining the phrase and even abbreviating it (A.F.A.A.P.) for us, we are in her debt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like we should all have a glass of wine to toast to, but this is just as well. Great commemoration Joel, beautifully and well said. I think it'd be fun to pick a great memory or a hardship, or special moment where we touched each others lives. I know that may be cheesy, but it might reaffirm just how important we all once were to each other, and will continue to be in the future.

For me, it was our speech in 9th grade(Laura W. I still love you even though you weren't there!) When I started crying, you all were there for me and I knew I had great friends. There's actually a verse in one of the son's I've written about that. It goes:

"Fallen and broken, here I stand,
Weak and feeble, the tears rain down, They come around me and they hold me tight, and I know love is the greatest power, true friends are there in the needy hour"

To all of you I love you and will continue to hold a special place for all of you in my heart! Happy Anniversary or as we all used to say, Bonne Anniversaire!

January 26, 2007 11:14 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

You're the best Chels, to say the least. I don't think it's my all time greatest memory or anything, but waiting in line for LOTR 3 was pretty fun. Especially with you Laura! You went for the long haul, although it became more and more fun as more people showed up.
Also, the end of ninth grade, at Jane's Grandparents house, the swing, and diving through the rings... it was a pretty fun event, not to mention that we all showed up to Academic Achievement Night significantly more tanned than we had been!

January 28, 2007 5:42 PM  
Blogger Jay-Bo said...

My best memory of LOTR: ROTK was Ben and I smuggling hot Quizno's subs into the our pants.

I think that says it all.

January 28, 2007 7:43 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

It does indeed Jay.

I would normally make a whole new post about the topic I will shortly discuss, but this one was just made and I don't want to go through the steps again. Be that as it may, this is a pretty cool thing so PAY ATTENTION.

Apparently there is this tone that kids/teens can hear but most adults cannot. I guess it has to do with ears growing old, I don't really know, the point is everybody who has adults readily available must try this. go to this website:

and there should be a short audio recording of a single note being held out. Be warned that it is annoyingly high pitched and if your an adult (supposedly) you probably won't be able to hear it. If any of you all try this let me know what happens. I am very curious to find out if it's all fact or what.

January 29, 2007 6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bogus!! It didn't work my parents could both here it! Nice try but once again we've been duped by the internet!

January 29, 2007 7:05 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

I have no adults to try it on.

Sorry I haven't commented in a while, I've been sick. For insatance, from wednesday to friday I slept for 24 hours total between those days. Then, I ended up so tired after being awake for 2 hours that I took a nap. For 3 hours. On the plus side, we have no school tomorrow! And we have a fair bit of snow. So life is alright.


January 29, 2007 7:12 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Tyler... I am so jealous I in all honesty cannot even begin to describe it. Not about the sickness part, but about the twenty-four hours of sleep in two days. I don't know if it's completely fake chels, my math teacher swears he can't hear it, and he's not a joker or anything. Also my dad says that he can only barely hear it, and even that's when everything else is quiet. Oh well, being a statistician (for I have decided I am in fact one of these!) I would imagine that we need a bigger sample size to draw a useful conclusion. Oh well, this is all rather trivial to say the least.

January 29, 2007 8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

definitely need a bigger sample set to draw a better conclusion. So everyone get their parents to try it. I did it with mine over the phone so git er dun!

January 29, 2007 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on break for a week! Just thought I'd gloat a little- don't get to very often!! Happy Febuary!

January 30, 2007 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom and dad can hear it.

January 30, 2007 8:44 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Chelsea, I have told you a number of times, but I'll say it again, I am indescribably jealous of you! Oh for a week off. Don't do anything dangerous to fill your free time. I'd hate to have to jump on the next flight up there... and we certainly don't want to see you with any broken bones... but I think that goes without saying.
By the way Tyler, I am becoming something of a recluse while powering through "Phoenix." I've taken to secluding myself in the corner of our dorm lounge during practically all of my spare time, it's to the point that I feel I must finish as quickly as possible so I'm not distracted when homework or an exam comes into the picture. Not to worry, I have only to read two more chapters and I daresay I'll have that done by approximately 10:30 tomorrow morning. Ah well goodnight all, and Chelsea try not to have too much fun on your week off, or at least if you do, break it to us gently, I don't know how much more envy I can take at the moment.

January 31, 2007 2:16 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Here's the thing. I do know for a fact that the human hearing range decreases with age. I can hear lots of high frequency things my parents can't. I'll have to try that on them while I'm home, but fyi, with such a high frequency sound, you really can't have any distortion or downsampling. Basically to accurately determine if it is a hoax you need you need to hear it firsthand from a good stereo. I doubt it would work over the phone. If I understand you correctly.

January 31, 2007 11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when I mean over the phone I mean, I called my parents and told them to go to the website. While we were on the phone together they listenend and said they could both hear it. sorry for the confusion.

January 31, 2007 12:04 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

I had a feeling... Yeah, I have to find some old people and try it out. *grins*

January 31, 2007 12:44 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

If you are reading this and you enjoy herry potter, go to This is my Harry potter blog and there is a very important piece of information there.


February 01, 2007 11:27 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

...herry potter?


February 02, 2007 11:19 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

oh yeah Phil, Harry Potter is the boy wizard, but "herry potter" is the drink. You know how there's a Roy Rogers and a Shirley Temple... well there's also a herry potter. It's like some kind of soda mixed with grenadine, usually served in a highball glass, and with a twist of lime. I'm sure that's what tyler meant.

February 02, 2007 12:15 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Of course that's what I meant. Joel knows what I'm talking about. Geez Phillip, keep up!


February 02, 2007 2:38 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Oh, right, I did know that.

I know it's a little late but I'm watching Lost. Right now I'm on Ep. 18 Season one. I actually know who all those names are I kept hearing every freakin day in highschool with you guys. I'm just kdding, :P

It's good though, how many seasons are there?

February 03, 2007 12:24 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Phil, there are three seasons thus far, counting the one that is currently playing, so catching up probably won't be too hard! There really is nothing like a tv show, in many ways they are better than movies. (although it depends entirely on the show and movie) I hear that the writers are working out how they're going to end it. I don't know how soon that will be, but I guess they're planning on bringing it to a close sooner or later.

I must ask, only because it was positively brilliant, but has anyone seen (or heard of) Pan's Labyrinth? I've been raving about it since I saw it on Friday (Chelsea can attest to this though I hardly think any of you will need convincing that I, Joel, have been in raptures over a movie!) The point of all of this is that it is an incredible movie and I think I must see it again. I would strongly urge you all to see it, though it is shockingly violent at parts. Even so, it is simply amazing. If nothing else, watch some previews and look at some pictures, they are astounding!

February 04, 2007 10:06 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

I have read/heard good things about Pan's Labrynth. Also, does seeing this movie change your ideas for who should have won the awards? You had that list on your blog. Anyway, speaking of movies, this summer is going to be incredible!! We need to at lest get a group for Pirates, and I would like to see Spiderman, Transformers, Harry Potter and I'm sure there are a few I'm missing.


February 04, 2007 11:19 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

There are definitely movie groups in order Tyler, though I am distressed to admit that I won't be home for Pirates or Spider-Man 3 or Shrek 3! I will be home for Order of the Phoenix and I am going to be there at midnight, mark my words! (speaking of, I just read the play that Daniel Radcliffe is going to be in, "Equus" it was disturbing to say the least, but I imagine he'll do well with the part, and if he can really pull it off he might actually break off his boy wizard image, at least for the people who actually will see it) As far as Oscar opinions, seeing "Pan's Labyrinth" only changed one opinion and that was for original score. I had thought the score from "The Queen" was best, but having heard the one from "Pan's Labyrinth" I have reevaluated and I think it is the one that deserves to win. It is really a wonderful score.
You said that this summer is going to be incredible Tyler, and I completely agree. Obviously I hope that all the movies are going to be good, but apart from their excellence, can you even begin to imagine how much money is going to be made? We're looking at four of the most successful movie series ever. The movies directly before Pirates 3, Shrek 3, and Spider-Man 3 are all in the top 10 domestic grosses, and when it comes to the top 10 worldwide grosses, we've got Pirates 2, Shrek 2, and three of the Harry Potters (coincidentally the best of the bunch is all the way down at 17). If any of that made any sense, you'll get my drift that, if they are as successful as their predecessors, Hollywood's going to be robbing us blinder than usual this summer! If the movies, these four specifically, are as well made as their predecessors... well it might actually be worth 8.50 a ticket.

February 05, 2007 1:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SAD DAYS!!! My week long break of sleeping until one in the afternoon, watching movies, playing card games, late nights of poker and piano playing, taco bell runs and visits to fred meyer. Days with no class, only friends and fun. I most definitely didn't get somethings done that I wanted to but all is well and I am now headed back into a semster filled with all work and no play which is going to make Chelsea a dull girl!! Oh well, onward and upward!

February 05, 2007 11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant to say days with all that ARE OVER! oops. P.S. Jay, did you ever get my text? We schooled GFU in bball the other night, barely beat the girls and hounded the boys. Whitworth Rocks!

February 05, 2007 11:40 PM  
Blogger Jay-Bo said...

Yeah, I got the message. Our know that the girls should have won, we were tied for first in the conference. My cousin is on the team, but she doesn't play much since she is a freshman.

February 06, 2007 3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys I'm tired, I haven't slept very much the last 3 days!! :( I just can't fall asleep- AAHHHHHH!! It's so frustrating!!! But I love you all and hope you are having a beautiful week

February 08, 2007 6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insomnia, Chels? I'm sorry...

If I had things my way, I'd spend most of my time sleeping...I'm telling you, I think sleep is my drug of choice, or maybe I was one of those moss-covered sloth things in a previous life.

In fact, I was so tired last night that I didn't stay up to watch Lost. And there hasn't been an episode since the fall! Ahhhh, sleep.

February 08, 2007 7:19 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Laura, I am SO jealous of you! I'm afraid I'm somewhat in Chelsea's boat. This makes no sens because I'm like the waking dead all day long and it's only when I'm actually going to bed that I suddenly feel all awake. I haven't tried melatonin yet. A friend of mine here says it helps her sleep really well, and it's natural I guess, so that's good. One of these days when I'm desperate I'll have to give it a go. Does anyone remember that first research paper in 8th grade? Yeah, I pretty much procrastinated until the day before and did it all that night. Needless to say it was awful, yet I don't seem to have learned anything because I've been putting one off all term and tomorrow I will be in the Library from opening to closing writing it. I'm not too worried though, because by this time tomorrow I will be done with it!

February 08, 2007 7:59 PM  
Blogger Chels said...

Wow I totally remember the research paper in eigth grade. I did mine on Samuel Adams and I don't think that was the one where everyone called me teachers pet, although it could've been. *wink wink Laura G* Ya know it's getting bad Joel, when you put off a ten pager in a bible class to 2 days before.....NEVER AGAIN!!

February 08, 2007 10:34 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I know I already posted like this EXACT same thing, but not really, and I thought of you all because you are some of the few who know exactly what I'm talking about when I talk about this! So that paper I'm doing today, yeah it turns out that sleeping wasn't sounding so fun so I decided to just hammer the stupid thing out tonight instead. It's nearly six and I'm nearly done, I'll sleep all day tomorrow and it shall be glorious. The reason I write is because I'm having a very vivid poiesis flashback since this is nearly the exact same thing I did then, although I started earlier and ended later than I shall today. The point is, it was almost a year ago as well, which blows my mind but it doesn't seem to take much to do that anymore. Anyway, I'm sure my paper will be raked across the coals since this is in fact Ashland and I'm arguing AGAINST the legalization of marijuana, but what are you gonna do right? And Chelsea, was that 10 pager single or double spaced?

February 09, 2007 5:40 AM  
Blogger Chels said...

double, fortunately. I hope yours isn't single because that would suck a lot. But I hope you got it all done and once again are enjoying a 3 day weekend!!

February 09, 2007 10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the legalization of marijuana...good times...Last term, we spent nearly two hours debating it. grrrr....And because everyone at Clackamas smokes pot (well, not everyone, but the majority), most of the people in class were truly excited when we reached the conclusion the maybe the government shouldn't make it illegal.

Anyway, I'm glad you got through it, Joel.

I feel so out of touch, what with you all talking about writing papers....I'm not even going to school this term. Just work, work, work...It's a very strange feeling because I've been doing school for as long as I can remember. *sigh*

February 10, 2007 10:03 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

well, I wrote a comment last night but I accidentally switched to facebook while it was loading so I guess it was lost. The long and the short of it was: Happy Valentine's Day everybody.
Laura Wilson, if you recall, it was a year ago today that you made the fabulous announcement, on the topic of Running To Stand Still, that it was a song about heroin, and it was a great song at that. I can't remember the exact wording, it has been a year after all, but that was the idea, and I seem to recall Mrs. V thinking it was quite socking/funny to hear your sentiments on that subject. Anyway, I really do hope everyone has a lovely day, and as long as it's been brought up, let's all make it a heroin-free day!

February 14, 2007 1:15 PM  
Blogger Jay-Bo said...

While we're on the topic of songs about heroin, I'll mention Neil Young's "Needle and the Damage Done". Personally, I get high on life, not drugs

February 14, 2007 8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you, Jay...that separates you from most of the 18-24-age group.

I'd forgotten that Mrs. V was there, Joel. It is a great song, a nice break from the Edges's rather relentless guitar.

Hope you all had a glorious Valentine's Day. It was my brother's birthday, so I made him a cake (from a box) and felt very secure about not being Julia Child.

February 16, 2007 9:57 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

I must admit Laura, when you said you made a cake the first thing I thought was "now was that a cake from scratch, or a cake from a box?" Imagine my happiness when I saw that added that detail! I'm just being an idiot, but on the topic, I will say that of all the cakes there are to eat I prefer cakes made from a box. I mean, there are those seventeen layer numbers with fudge and all that good stuff, but like when it comes to birthdays, I'm much more partial to a box cake than, say, a store bought one with the thick frosting and all that, it's just too much. Oh well, the best way to eat a cake is at three in the morning and straight out of the pan after baking it, but that's just my opinion.

Yes Jay, I'm very glad to hear that you're steering clear of all that nonsense. I think benadryl is about the craziest I ever plan to get. My roommate could run a small hospital with all the pills he's got. He says they're legit, and I really don't care to pry, but sometimes I worry that there's gonna be some kind of inspection and I'll be incriminated as an accessory to drug dealing, or something like that.

I have one last question, for anyone who knows anything about Business Stats... what the heck is up with ANOVA? I swear it is the most aggravating thing I've encountered in that field thus far. If anyone has words of advice, do not hesitate to send them along.

February 16, 2007 5:25 PM  
Blogger Chels said...

Google it Joel...That's why God created Google, because as everybody knows anything is possible with Google, and everything is Googleable* (my word, you can't steal it) Luvs and good luck buddy!!

February 17, 2007 1:40 AM  
Blogger Deathbyfrostedcookie said...

Too late. I got "googleable" trademarked last week. Sorry. ;-)

February 18, 2007 10:34 PM  
Blogger Chels said...

huh, you wish Drewby! Lucky for me I did the mrs. V thing and mailed it to myself, in case anyone decided to try and steal my coolness factor (the word). Basically, I'll see you in court!!

February 19, 2007 1:01 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

You googlemongers... how about you find me a word that describes the feeling I have when the roommate from hell tells me he's moving out and leaving me with a single (A side note: I'm in the lounge and as I typed that he and a friend went traipsing through with boxes and bags of his stuff). You might also find me a word that describes the feeling I have after only three hours of sleep when I have three essays to edit for a ridiculous class. If you are truly the googlers you claim to be you might find me a word that describe both of those feelings simultaneously... because as it turns out I'm feeling them both simultaneously... who'd have thunk right? I'm off to write the afore mentioned papers... and I don't want to hear any horror stories involving any of you all and Mardi Gras! I'm about to such a story; the cafeteria is featuring some kind of theme dinner... looks to be fried chicken... I guess they could do worse.

February 20, 2007 4:44 PM  
Blogger Deathbyfrostedcookie said...

Sorry Chels, but I revived Johnnie Cochran, and he will be representing me in court. You have no chance. YOU HAVE NO CHANCE!!! HA HA HA HA!!!

February 20, 2007 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So yet another roomate ditched you, huh, Joel? I guess though that if your best description of him is "from hell", then that's a good thing....

I hope you get everything done...

Ooof...this week is not looking very promising. Monday I lost my keys and had to call my boss so that I could go to work. This morning, I was driving my sister's car and it decided to blare the car alarm for no apparent reason. So I had to drive around with the lights flashing and a siren going off like some nuclear reactor. It eventually stopped, but....I'm ready for the weekend NOW...

February 20, 2007 8:02 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Laura Wil,
I'm sorry to hear about the car alarm, perhaps in the future you will find it funny... or no? In any event, I hope your week looks up, though I know what you mean about wanting a weekend ASAP. I just watched "Babel" since it's one of the best picture nominees and I like to at least see those five every year. To be honest, I was not all that impressed. There were some good parts, and some really sad parts, but there were a couple of totally pointless truly gratuitous parts that made the whole thing a less happy affair. It just kind of felt like a less fractured version of "Crash" in multiple locations. Oh well, there's my two cents, just watch it'll probably win the award now which would be no good because "The Queen" was at least four times, if not five, better.

Is anyone experiencing insomnia? I kid you not I laid awake tossing and turning last night until 5:00 AM! I took a hearty nap in the middle of the day and now I feel like I ought to feel considering that it's 1:15, but it was bizarre to say the least. Anyway, I'm off to my first snore-free night of the last seven weeks... so I'm more or less looking down the barrel of my own little nocturnal paradise!

February 21, 2007 1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry about your insomnia, Joel...I hope you shake the cycle.

I just watched The Land Before Time for the first time in a long time...great movie...basically my childhood rolled up into an hour. I still get all weepy when Littlefoot's mom dies. *sniff* And then...then he chases his shadow because he thinks it's his mom...*sniff sniff*

Hey, Spring Break is coming up, isn't it? When are ypu guys all off?

On a much, much more serious note, have you all heard about our beacon, Marshall Magill? Definitely keep him and the Magills in your prayers...

February 22, 2007 8:04 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

I come home a week from friday.


February 22, 2007 11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get Spring Break in a week Tyler? Dang, that's nice!
Hi everybody, this is Whitney, I haven't been able to get on here in a long time because of some security reason. Anyway, I am still alive and have to go under an anonymous name.....but now you know who this is!

February 23, 2007 1:51 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

my spring break starts the eleventh

February 23, 2007 7:28 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

spring break starts the 24th for me. I think I'm taking the bus home which means I need to find some "nobody understands me cause I'm emo" clothes so I can write a love song in a tattered old composition book while sitting in a window seat on my way home. This is what happens so often in the movies you see.

February 24, 2007 2:23 AM  
Blogger Chels said...

my spring break is the same as Joel's alas no bus and writing songs for me, I already do that so...yeah. But I'm super stoked for break except I'll be working a lot- oh well!

February 24, 2007 11:10 AM  
Blogger Evan said...

NO FAIR! Veritas doesn't have spring break 'till 3 weeks from now. That is sad... I'm gonna break something now.

February 25, 2007 1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! It's Spring Break all the time when you're not actually in school!

Well, not really. That's a lie.

I hope I'll be able to see most of you...I work Mon, Wed, and Fri at the Cold Stone in Sherwood (you know, right by the theatre), and even though it's not quite warm enough for massive ice cream consumption, you should drop by whenever you guys come back. I work come see me.

I am on the computer and NOT watching the Oscars. I'm just not too terribly interested this year...

February 25, 2007 6:35 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

There are worse things than not being terribly interesting my dear Laura! Imagine this: My friend is throwing an Oscar party, so I go to support her efforts. Instead of just being able to watch them in peace, there's this girl who I don't even really know at all constantly asking me stupid questions about pointless topics and always observing me out of the corner of her eye which I pretend not to notice because I'm praying not to be asked another ridiculous question. I know that sounds horrifically cold and heartless, but honestly, what's a guy gotta do to just watch a show in peace. I'll tell you what, he's gotta get out of the party. So after the amazing three song performance by the Dreamgirls cast, and having to listen to Melissa Ethridge thank her wife (shoot me in the face!)... I'd had enough and am now back in my room. Also Laura, I look forward to visiting you at Cold Stone!

February 25, 2007 8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Testing, testing... this comment is being typed by a moition sensitive pixelated hand on a virtual keyboard, controled by a remote in my hands that is wirellessly interfacing with a small piece of white hardware, approx. the size of three DVD cases. In simpler terms, I'm testing the capabalities of my nintendo wii.

February 25, 2007 9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is pretty sweet, Joel when you get back you need to play farcry vengence. You flick the nunchuck and throw rocks to lure away guards where you NONVIOLENTLY decommision them. I miss you a ton, and Chelsea, I saw Riley the other day and then thought of Geece&Rome and how terribly I miss you and Andrea. Oh well, the four of us should do something over spring break. And if there is room for Joel we might give him the chance to whimper to us the way I did to him whenever he was going somewhere cool and I wanted to come. e.g. Brian Maurice's birthday parties. On a seperate note relating to valentines day, the man who invented the typewriter was born on the same day as St. Valentine. He also changed it from alphabeticle to the qwerty patern so the keys would jam less often. If you don't get why it's called qwerty, think about it real hard while smashing your face into the keyboard. Sooner than you'd think, the answer will hit you.
(Wait fot laughter to end)
Sorry, that was sub par joke telling for me. -Drew

February 25, 2007 9:45 PM  
Blogger Chels said...

Drew you are so funny and I miss you mucho!!1 We must definitely hang out the 4 of us(plus Joel I guess :) Glad you're having fun with your wii, I'm sure it will keep you busy for a long time!!

February 25, 2007 11:47 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

gees don't do me any favors guys, I'm sure I can find a way to entertain myself over break without imposing on your reunion tour! I'm just kidding, the joke's on drew because I would just love to hear how he plans to transport himself around during break... without my help that is. But enough of that, bed calls and I feel I must sleep as class comes early tomorrow.

February 26, 2007 12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I eventually caved and watched the second half of the Oscars. Pretty 'blah' overall. The first part I saw was Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio falling all over each other about being 'green'. Hey, whatever works for them, man. Amen about Melissa Etheridge, Joel. I bet the Academy was beside themselves when they realized they could give an Oscar for a song written by a lesbian for a liberal movie by a leading Democrat about how everyone who doesn't recycle is melting the ice caps and killing polar bears.

Of course, maybe I didn't connect with the Awards because I'd only seen maybe 1 of the nominees for anything (that would be Children of Men). I need to see the Departed and maybe The Queen, but I'll skip Babel, thank you very much.

February 26, 2007 5:51 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Indeed Laura, Babel is to be skipped. The Departed was good, but by all means, see The Queen! It was so good, Helen Mirren was positively brilliant and for all the fuss everyone makes about how perfect Princess Diana was, it's interesting to see all the behind the scenes bits of the royal family felt about her. It's so sad when Queen Elizabeth II is reading some of the cards left with the flowers outside Buckingham Palace, people write crap that's more of an insult to the monarchy than a compliment to Diana. Anyway, I don't know if docudramas are your thing, but that was one of the best!

February 26, 2007 6:06 PM  
Blogger Chels said...

Laura Wil you positively can'r forget to see Pan's Labyrinth as well. Though not nominated for Best picture overall it is WELL worth the watch and the buy for that matter. It is in fact amazing and I would love to go see it again myself. so don't forget!!

February 26, 2007 6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you guys remember those days when Phillip and I would sneeze every other minute? Well that was TODAY! At this point it might just be easier to blow my face off than sneeze again; allergies plus a sinus cold really hits the spot wouldn't you say?

I only watched about ten minutes of the oscars, the part where the girl actress from Little Miss Sunshine was announcing with this little boy who thought he was funny.....yeah.....not so much!
I turned it off......
(this is Whitney by the way)

February 27, 2007 3:48 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

THANK YOU! Nobody has the guts to point out when little kids are not funny, because they look "sooooo cute!" It's bad enough when they adults sound like they're reading their jokes off of a script, but really, the kids could just bank on being adorable all dressed up and forgo the attempted humor. I'm sorry to hear about your allergies... but for heaven's sake please don't blow your face off, sneezing is ALWAYS the better option!

February 27, 2007 3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy, Whit. Today, I worked at my dad's clinic and when I pulled out some hay to feed a couple rabbits *BAM*! Glorious allergies! It only lasted 10 minutes or so, but it was not a happy preview of summer to come....

Yeah, so I don't feel like blowing my face off, but I sort of, in a tiny way, feel your pain.

Abigail Breslin (I think that's her name--she was great in Signs)is relatuvely agreable; it's when adults go, hey let's trot little kids out on stage and make them say 'cute' things that I hate child actors.

February 27, 2007 6:07 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine, Laura? She was also really good in that. That was one of two movies on this film genres exam I had today so I've got way more opinions and aspects of the movie than anyone sanely should. It's made me like it better than I did, so that's good. Anyway, she's really funny.

February 27, 2007 6:56 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

I saw none of it...I only really need to go check the results. Anyway, sorry about your allergies, I can sympathise...somewhat.

Also, BLOG on progress here
for the Magills to give us updates. Mind you, I'm not kidding about in progress.

February 27, 2007 6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks should have seen me at work last night! You would have busted out laughing:

I called about 55 people and those that I actually talked to could barely understand me because my nose was so stuffed up and then i would sneeze during the conversation or when I was leaving a message! And then somebody accidently called 911 (again) which is really easy because we have to dial 91 to get out of the LeTourneau system, well the protocol for that is to stay on the line and explain who you are and where you work. The 911 center is used to people from letu accidently calling them. Well the person who called, panicked and hung up, so five minutes later this police-man shows up followed by campus security. it was hilarious, we all laughed....after the policeman left!

Anyway, that was the extent of excitement in my day.
Joel I would also say that it is SO not funny when you have a little cousin who wants to tell you a joke they think is funny, only it's NOT funny and you're like, "ha ha" that was funny.......

February 28, 2007 6:11 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

Oh dear! I'm afraid that in most instances of cousins telling older cousins unfunny jokes it was I telling the lame joke! This ended long ago of course... these days ALL my jokes are gems. Ok that was a lie, but even so, it's so awkward when you talk up a joke and then finally tell it an everybody just kind of looks at you like they're waiting for the funny part. Enough of that! As for all this police business... yeah, right, we're all SO sure it was an accident. You might as well tell us what illegal little horrors were going on with you and your group last night... we're bound to find out sooner or later ; ) Oh and Whitney, did you ever get your tea? Alright I gotta go, Business Stats is starting and the teacher's giving me a quizzical on account of all my typing.

February 28, 2007 12:01 PM  

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