The Lives and Times of the Veritas Graduated Class of 2006

Well first of all we needed a new post!
Second of all, I don't know when you all are having your spring breaks, but Phil and I are flying home tomorrow night!
So here are some pretty pictures to celebrate and spice our wall up. No, I did not take them, I just found them ...
All the differences in Spring Break times are very inconvenient to say the least! As for plans, I'm just going to be kicking it, try to read something I suppose, there's doubtlessly going to be movies seen, but even less doubtfully, people to be seen.
Also, Happy Birthday Chelsea! 19 is freaking awesome... I'd tell you to go to Canada, but, well you know how that all is now!
Thanks Joel. I am definitely ready for it to be spring. The snow is almost gone here and I hope it never returns, until next year at least. my freind and I as soon as it gets warm zare going to camp ou in the loop (like the grassy area in the middle of campus) and be hippies for a night and day. I'll take my guitar and well pop off a couple choruses of Kum by ah (yeah I don't remember how to spell that) Anyway it will be mucho fun without the drugs of course!! That was kind of random but I thought I'd share anyway!! Love you all and have a great week! Spring Break is almost here- or already here for some of you!
Oh gosh, I just had my core class and the teacher thought she's pull back the curtain so to speak. she had some "list" of things from the Bible which she was sure were bound to shock us all beyond belief. She's like "it says in Exodus that it's ok to sell your daughter into slavery." Of course everyone starts murmuring, and then she sets off into the next part, something from Leviticus. She tells us how she hasn't got the actual verses, so she's just giving us paraphrases. After the third little but (also from exodus) I'm like "these seem to all be from the old testament." And she's like "mmmmyes, well, these ARE tradition aren't they?" All of this, of course, in attempt to prove to us that Christians and the Bible are as horrible as other religions' practices like honor killing and so forth. Fortunately there was another girl in the class who spoke up and reminded the teacher that we were hearing none of the context (I thought of Mr. Allen of course) and that we weren't hearing the actual verses in question so we were really just hearing some person's opinion. Then of course she goes on to say that the gospel according to Matthew as ACTUALLY written by a bunch of women because scholars have decided it to be so. Personally I think she's waiting for Dan Brown to come bursting in a beg her for a plot to put in his next book.
haha, and that sucks at the same time. Way to stick up for the Bible, you should go introduce yourself to that girl and make friends!!
Yikes, she pulled the old "Scholars have found..." line, huh? I'm glad you can see all of her logical fallacies (thanks again to Mr. Allen). I'm also glad that someone else in your class had a brain.
Oh I hate it when teachers think they can pull their rank and get us to believe what they believe. It's not like what you got regarding theology Joel but sometimes my psych professor drives me up the wall!! Sometimes I think she expects us to agree with her just because she is a doctor in psychology and then get this; we have a test in her class this morning and she comes in talking about her son which she ALWAYS does and says that he has the best son in the world and how our days are better because she told us what her "precious" son did last night. I'm thinking "Are you SERIOUS???" It really bugged me, and I have to listen to her for the next 3 years of my life.........thanks.
Ok, it's me again (Whitney). You guys remember when we had those songs to help us memorize where all the cotton-pickin countries were in Africa and Asia? Well I sure wish I remember those songs now!! I have a map quiz this morning that had 185 locations to find and memorize and guess what? We have to know the regions in Africa!!!
The irony is just too much.....
I kid you not, I mean seriously, this isn't just some stupid anecdote invented to fit the situation (let's face it, those things do in fact exist) but I was JUST singing that Africa song the other day. I was trying to fall to sleep and I'm thinking "Algeria, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Mali..." yeah it's forever branded on my mind.
Joel, you ARE a nerd! Haha, but believe me, I was trying to remember that song in my head.
Well Whitney (I assume it was you posting under anonymous) I'm not as much of a nerd as I used to be. There was a time when I could tell all the names and point to which country it was as well! This is no longer the case. I can't even keep our states straight anymore. There's this game online where you put all the states into there right places on a map of the US. There aren't state outlines though, and they only give you one state at a time, so it's harder than it sounds. I felt very uneducated after stumbling through it the first time. Top my credit I did get the WHOLE west coast without help... and that's a whole coast.
I tried tht U.S. map thing, started out mediocre, then did fine until level 9. At that point my laptop "couldn't handle" it or something,because, as I was trying to place pieces, they kept mysteriously dropping for no reason and therefore making me lose.
Sure, blame the computer...
I haven't tried it yet. I really don't want to know how bad my US geography is...
Has anyone seen 300? I am sorely tempted...
Laura, 300 is terrific, though there are a couple parts that were in very poor taste and strictly needless, especially the stoned oracle of Delphi throwing herself around. the dialogue was cheesy at parts as well, but over all it was excellent. I'm going to take Andrew over spring break so I can hide his eyes when necessary, because he must see it! I only know the history on a basic level, but besides the stylization of it all, it seems that they got their facts reasonably accurate. If you see, tell me what you think. It's got what's his face from Lord of the Rings. Faramir I think, though I'm not sure. Whichever one was almost burned alive by his dad the steward of Gondor.
yeah and don't forget about the fact that it has Gerard Butler in it too!! That hot hunk of a Spartan should make the movie if nothing else.
P.S. This is whitney
alas, if only it were a musical he could have used his talents to their full potential... I'm just being stupid, he was actually really good, a lot like Mel in Braveheart and other similar heroic martyrs. I don't know how many of you saw Brother's Grimm (I know you did Whitney) but the girl from that is in 300 as the queen, and she's considerably better in this role, I think.
speaking of totally awesome heroes and amazing love interests, not to mention great movies, Casino Royale is out on DVD today.
What it is??!! That seemed so quick!!!
Um, Laura, I guess I'll have to revoke my recommendation of 300... my Teacher this morning informed us that Iranians are displeased with the representation of Persians in the movie. I'm obviously joking because 1) the movie makes no reference to Iran being the eventual offspring of Persia, and 2) if they didn't want to be negatively seen perhaps their ancestors shouldn't have attacked pretty much everyone they could get their hands on... but no, no, no... my teacher wanted us all to think good and hard about whether or not we NEED another movie that provokes hate. Apparently pornography is still being billed as "free speech" but a movie promoting honor and fighting for freedom is clearly a piece of war mongering propaganda! As I said before... SEE IT!
PS to you all, that last comment under anonymous was in fact not me!! :<
This is the real Whitney....
I guess I need to go under my own name.
But I do want to see the movie 300, it looks AMAZING!
Whoa, Will the real Whitney please stand up!
"y'all act like you've never seen a white person before..." alright well enough of that, but for serious, all this anonymity... very disturbing. Oh and as it's nine minutes to midnight, happy St. Patrick's Day to you all! Three cheers for the Irish, or is it three beers for the Irish... probably both I expect, and some potatoes... of course.
No, it's definately three beers. Except, for some reason the Irish in me is telling me that it's much more than that. It's more beer, and drunken brawling, and don't forget boondock saints. There's gotta be some Russian maffia hunting. Muahahah. Yeah, I saw 300, it was awesome.
So, today I achieved yet another step toward adulthood....I got jury summons! Hooray. I think I can get out of it, though I'd almost want to go if everybody didn't say it was dead boring.
The weather here in Oregon has been positively glorious, in the 70's. Of course, I think it's supposed to rain. Figures.
jury summons eh, Wilson? I'm oblivious to how these things work, do you know what the case, or whatever, is about that you'd be jurying for? perhaps a murder! do you really mean to avoid it, just think it might be one of these groundbreaking cases that will go down in history... or it could be something boring like neighbors suing over their dogs... so I guess it's one of these toss up situations.
Oh, Laura you should go. After all, if all of us Christian patriots shrug it off, then the anti-American heathens get to decide who did what, and what punishment is appropriate.
Did you guys see this? It's pretty cool.
Blogger and Picasa Web Albums
Ever wanted to see all the photos you've uploaded to your blog in one place? Head over to Picasa Web Albums and now you can! We've been working closely with the Picasa team on this project - all the photos you've uploaded since December will appear in an album there, and we're working on migrating your older photos as well. (It'll take a while though - there are a lot of them.)
Each of your blogs now has its own album in Picasa Web Albums, which is exciting because you now have a photo management interface for your blog's photos - for example you could order prints, use the fancy email this photo feature, or easily embed the album somewhere else on the web. Be careful when you delete photos though, because deletions will affect both your blog and its album.
Phil, is there an album already made from our blog? I went to the website for Picasa, but I didn't see anything about blogs.
When's everybody going to be done for the year? Anybody going to be at Poiesis night? What about Graduation? I want to be at both, though I think making it up for one of them will probably be the best I could do, in that case I'll try for graduation, anyway, just wondering what kind of rep. we'll have for us alumni.
Last but not least (alright let's be honest, the thing that has me more or less foaming at the mouth) Has anyone seen the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer? It premiered on dancing with the stars and yes my excitement for the movie is such that I did in fact endure and hour and twenty minutes of ballroom champions and has beens cha cha-ing around to see the trailer. It was worth it... SO worth. It's available on after 10:00 tonight and it looks to be pretty good. Anyway, I'll talk to you all later, perhaps I'll even see a couple of you one of these days or another, in any event, see you...
A. I will see that trailer, and soon, so help me Econ homework get out of my way.
B. I get out early May. Like the first or second early.
C. Wheaton's Latin dance is coming's hoping I remember...anything.
(why are there no random letters for me to type?)
I think when you're logged in with your account they skip the verification bit. Also Tyler, as you are the resident expert, what have you heard about number of pages in HP7? I've heard both 680 and 784. Obviously I'd much prefer the latter number (though if it were up to me it would be twice that length, or at LEAST as long as OotP) just wondering. Oh and I finished number five for the third time the other day and I'm going out of my mind waiting for the movie, of all the books it's got the most political stuff going on but I think she writes all that particular stuff excellently I just hope they get the whole feeling of it right on screen. And, I don't know if you go on, but they have reported from early screenings that they do in fact have the weasley twins departure so it's already looking to be a great movie.
Yes, but what is the Weasley twins' departure without Peeves, I ask you? I am way more excited for the book than the movie. Order of the Pheonix was by far my least favorite...I want to slap Harry most of the time.
I'm going to both graduation and Poeisis, I'm pretty sure. Though, I'm sure their Poeisis projects are WAY better than ours were, so it might be kind of embarassing. Looking back, I cringe at how bad mine turned out. Ah, if only I could do it again...but that would mean actually DOING it again...never mind.
Laura, I must disagree with you on a couple points. First, though, I'll point out that you are right about the Weasley twins without Peeves... not as good. I was bummed because we didn't get to hear Peeves singing his song about Harry in Chamber of Secrets. Also I'll agree that I'm WAY more excited for the book, but what to do when it's over? As for Order of the Phoenix, he was definitely obnoxious in that one, but as far as the whole book goes, it's really well paced and Umbridge is one of the best written villains in recent lit. I like Goblet of Fire, but rereading it I noticed that the pacing (I don't know why I care so much about THAT aspect of the book) is sort of awkward. I've given up trying to pick a favorite. I've always had a fondness for Chamber of Secrets because it's all wraps itself up so nicely in the end, like everything has its place but we don't see it all fit together until she brings it all together. They all have their good stuff, but I really love all the politics in OotP and the whole ministry conclusion is wild I think, especially Dumbledore and Voldemort dueling. It's like the fight of the century or something, mythological in proportion and that is no exaggeration. Enough! (that's to me) I only babel because I am both sleep deprived and pumped full of Dr. Pepper (imagine that) so it all comes spilling out in an incoherent mess, and this is the condition I'm in while having finals.
I'm not even kidding though, this test I had yesterday, I wanted to frame my answers... I was like "oh I am the CLEVEREST!" I don't actually remember what they were like, and seeing as how this was AFTER the sleep deprivation but BEFORE the Dr. Pepper I was in kind of a semi-conscious state of thinking. Anyway Laura, the other thing I disagree with you on is this unmitigated hate of your own Poiesis. It was good! Or anyway, I remembered feeling happy that however bad my speech was it wouldn't REALLY matter because in the days and weeks to come it would be your excellent one that lived on in memory. So please, for my sake, admit yours was good, because the idea of people actually remembering me waving my hands around like a drunken cheerleader makes me want to throw myself from the roof of my dorm building.
K, The official count is 784 U.S Pages, which equals about 700 U.K. Pages. Yes, we all agree that without Peeves the Twins' departure loses some of its glory. Finally, I think that Harry in OOtP is largely unresponsible for his actions. I feel he had a fair bit of Voldie in his head, and that that, combined with being a teenager, equals his less than stellar attitude.
Oh yeah, and having read several early reviews of OOtP, I have a fair picture of what's been added, and what's been cut. To that extent, I think this movie, moreso than any other, may need to be seen with a grain of salt, or at least a high tolerance for change.
(Still upset about the letters)
perhaps you ought to invent some letters as a sort of therapy? or not, as you wouldn't really be fooling yourself. as for changes, what kind of stuff are we talking about? I'd read a little bit of stuff, mostly cuts rather than blatant changes, though I'm a little annoyed about Cho being the accidental snitch, I really like Hermione's list and Marietta Edgecomb having the pimples that not even Madam Pomfrey could get rid of. Anyway, I hope it's not as chopped as the last. There was a lot of good in that one, and the graveyard was, I think, very well done considering the gravity of the whole situation that could have been turned into something feeling awfully trite and bland. However, it was very rushed and they could have easily cut back on the WAY elaborated first task to fit in the entire original third task that was more interesting. There was no sphinx... that would have been really cool I think. As long as they've got the little black quill, the twins' flight, Umbridge's "hem hem" and the ministry stuff pretty accurate I think it'll be alright. There are these kids here who love to announce that they HATE the movies as if this were some unheard of new idea. They're like well you KNOW the books are MUCH better." and they'll hear nothing positive about them whatsoever. And then there's the whole killing Harry off in book seven. I don't want her to do it, I'll be pretty much emotionally kicked in the face if any of the trio die, but these kids (the same ones with the brand new movie opinions) are like "well Joel, you MUST understand the appeal of it all! Now, try to comprehend this will you, IF she were to kill him off in the end... (they pause here for dramatic effect while I, knowing perfectly well what they're about to "reveal," usually think about what might be on the cafeteria menu for the day)... then NO one would be able to keep the story going after she's gone!!! I think the idea that an author would be influenced to write a story according to what marketing might do with the work later on is pretty sad. Isn't there a way for her to just blatantly deny any other books ever? I don't think she'll be a pushover, she may kill him or not kill him, but I think whatever she do will be what she wants regardless of exterior influences. Now, if only I could write this much junk in my Video Production final I might hope for a decent grade in the class.
I meant to ask, on that same topic, if anyone had pre-ordered the book already? I've done so at the Bridgeport Borders and there was no money down or anything. I did it online though, so I am going to drop by the store some time over break or in the summer and double check that there will in fact be a copy available for me at midnight. If any of you all are going to get one you should come to the same borders, then at least I won;t have to brave the hordes of children in capes and tattoo lighting scars all clamoring for it.
oh and I realize I wrote "whatever she do" and for this atrocious grammatical error I offer my sincere apologies. what can I say... finals!
I'll probably pre-order there, we can keep each other company and dodge people yelling "Expelliarmus!" together. And while it's true that most of the cuts were small, I've heard things such as the relationship of Bellatrix and Sirius never really being explained, the Grawp seemed like uneccessary filler, that the Harry-Cho kiss is definately more of a make-out session, that Luna is a reeally good actress, that Malfoy is barley in it, that the dementors have a new look, that etc. etc.
yeah those sound like stuff I've heard. I will say though that of all the things in the entire series, and I have given this a lot of thought, Grawp is my least favorite thing. that whole plot thread just seems out of place, like something you'd expect to find in a cheesy wannabe harry potter knock off, but there it is right in the middle of one of the most serious books in the series. Oh well. I had heard that about the dementors... too bad, I thought they were pretty cool in number 3, though maybe they're a different sort of breed? they are animalish I suppose, oh well, there are still thestrals right?
The Thestrals look darn creepy. And I'm hopeful for the dementors.
Grawp was a little pointless, I suppose...though I still love the 'Hermy, where Hager?" line.
AS far as the book is concerned, I almost don't care if Harry dies, as long as she properly wraps the story up. I HATE series where the fate of minor characters is unresolved, especially if I like those minor characters better than the main ones. For example, if she drops Lupin and leaves us to imagine what he possibly does in the world, I'll be mad. Now, if she kills him, at least I'll have closure.
I have to go to work, but good luck on finals those of you who still have to take them!
How is it that the conversation always seems to revert to Harry Potter this time of year? Nobody ever wants to talk about their lives but when the new movies are coming lets gab and gab about it!! I'm not hating just observing and...yeah well
does this really happen on an annual cycle? I'd go back to march of last year but... well it's not news to anyone that I don't do work unless someone's hovering over me with threats or a green pen. but in the interest of bringing the conversation around to general life info I'll say a few things about life these days. I usually wake up for an hour long class at 9:00 after which I come back and go to sleep until noon when I have one of two classes depending on the day of the week. around 4:30 I eat with Alyssa, Hamilton and sometimes Kaitlin. At six or six thirty I work on homework, go to the gym to fight the freshman 15, and for the rest of the night I play games, maybe get a late snack, pop a benadryl around midnight if I still feel like a live wire and usually somewhere between 2 and 3 AM I finally drift off to sleep. On the weekend it's all sleep, eating, watching a movie and writing my article, church on Sunday (if I'm feeling chipper college group before service) and on holidays I try to walk a mile or so to find a party I will be kicked out of five minutes after arrival. throughout ALL of these activities I'm, generally listening to Irreplaceable, We Built This City, or Grace. knowing my tendancy to get caught in a rut, I will most likely be following this pattern until mid-June. That's all the life updating I have to divulge.
NOW, on the other topic of discussion, Harry Potter, I won't mind how she decides to end it, just so long as she doesn't piss of Iran.
My schedule. It's a little odd. Mondays and friday's are the same. Nothing until Chapel at 10:30 am, followed by Econ at 11:30. Lunch. Classes from 2:00 to 4:30 (Greek then philosophy), dinner at 5:00, and then homework/goof off/much supersmash. On wednesdays I have a psych lab at 9:30 am, otherwise it's the same. Tues/Thurs has music history from 8:30 to 10:30, followed by intro to psych from 11:30 to 1:30. Except on tuesdays when I get out at 12:30 because I have my lab wednesdays instead of tuesdays. Complicated, I know. Weekends involve not doing homework, if it can be helped. And more Supersmash (now with a little FFX thrown in for viewing pleasure). OH, and this friday is the Latin dance here on campus. Fun fun.
She won't kill any of the trio off. Hagrid is very likely, as he has his brother to follow up on groundskeeping. Lupin has Tonks, so he's likely safe (Rowling is a romantic at heart). That's my 2 cents.
I hope she kills Percy... no redemption for the prat!
Yes, but she has to redeem Malfoy...or at least make him all the way evil.
I have no classes...therefore a boring schedule. I used to work at my dad's clinic in the mornings, so I arose around 6:30, got to the clinic at 7, left at 9:30, came home, and left to work at Cold Stone at 10:30. But that's all changed. Now I don't go to the clinic (ahhh blessed sleep), so I get up at 7:30 and on Tues and Thurs get to work at 9, Mon, Wed, Fri, at 10. I work until 5pm, then slowly wend my way back home for food (I never eat lunch). In the evenings I watch movies. And I read. I'm trying to read great works of literature....hmmm....I'm in bed by 9 or 10. I listen to Death Cab for Cutie, The Shins, Queen, Ben Folds, The Ramones, and Aretha Franklin. The last movie I saw in the theatre was Children of Men and I just discovered that About A Boy is a great movie. On weekends I clean my room, watch my brothers' basketball games, and go to the occasional Cold Stome meeting (we talk about ice cream--woo hoo). In a word my life is: monotonous.
But I'm going to New Saint Andrews next fall. Yay. I'm SO happy. so happy.
And yes, we do always cycle back to Harry Potter. Strange, and probably really annoying, but whatever. I'm rather indifferent to Percy...he's a prat. But an insignificant one.
My musical tates still favor the instrumental, although Frontline by Pillar has become a popular choice. I do love the new Relient K album, although I'm currently, as in right now, trying to listen to Handel's Water Music. For a whole freaking hour! 53.1 minutes to be precise but who cares?! Not I! Stupid music history class.
I think that Percy will have a bigger role yet to play, he IS a Weasley after all. The question isn't Malfoy's redemption, it's Snapes. Malfoy is 95% likely to become "good", Snape is a whole diffrent ballgame. (I still think he's good)
Remmber folks, there IS a Harry Potter blog here...we could always move this discussion...
Well gee since everyone is sharing their days I might as well do the same.
MWF I have an 8'o clock class so I wake up at about 7:30 go to class eat breakfast after my 8 and before my 9:20. After that class I usually go back to sleep until 1230 or 1, I know Im lame, but it's the perfect naptime and that was it doesn't keep me awake all night. Over the last half of the semester I've had water aerobic class at 1 but that ends on friday. I usually go catch lunch at 2 dilly dally until 3 and my day of classes ends at 4. Tu, Thur I don't have class until 930 so I try-(stress try)to get up and go eat b-fast. Tuesday's there's no more class but thursdays I have a discussion group at 12 and lab from 230-530 (so long!!) In the evenings I usually do homework- go to work at the pool(wed and thur)or put off homework and go hang out with friends!! But horray that spring break is two tests away!!
I hope the Herminoe and Dumbledore start making out and Harry and Ron walk in on them. Harry tries to break it up claiming Herminoe's innocence and naievete and as he is pulling Herminoe away, Professor Snape walks in and starts screaming at Harry- when it is discovered that He and Harry were actually secret lovers, Ron is really a dementor in disguise, Voldemore is Harry's father and Hagrid shaved....yeah I don't actually know anything about Harry Potter...
All this from the girl that gave me a pep talk about Harry Potter oh, about 4 years back????
Break is so freaking close I can TASTE it!!!! I want it to be tomorrow already!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!
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