End of the First Year

OK, so this picture isn't really a new one, but I'm addicted to Photoshop at the moment and decided to revamp it. It's not very high quality since I only copied and pasted the one I have. If I had the actual file it would look much better, but baggers can't be choosers right. I know it's only April, so it hasn't been quite a whole year since we graduated, but it's pretty close. The actual purpose of this post is to ask you all when you're done for the Summer. I know most of us differ by a matter of weeks, and I think that I'm the last to actually be done for the year, but it's coming up so by all means when are you done?
Jane, Joel and I are boring in Black.
I shall, indeed, think twice next time before leaving the house devoid of all color. But hey, black is classic right?
Sarah and I are coming back the 5th.
I will be back around that time too.
Hahahaha I have 2 days and 21 hrs of school left!!!!
That is not even fair!!!!!
ps I get out the 18th of may...yay for me- we MUST do someting all together this summer, towards the beginning before we all get our lives back and have to work and such, I'm thinking the week after veritas graduation, what do you all think! Party at the Hills? (after we ask them of course)
I guess I didn't mention that I come home June 12th, and Phillip, Chelsea is right, that is TOTALLY unfair. And Chelsea, what is the meaning of this party before I am even home!? I SEE how it is! This friendship is over, in fact, it never even existed! Call me later, OK?
By all means, we must have a party...and I guess we can invite Joel, if we have to. ;-0
But Joel, are you coming up for graduation? Because, if it doesn't interfere with any other parties, we could have a little get-together...otherwise....hmmm...
Me, miss graduation? I wouldn't dream of it! The answer is, yes I will be up there, and since the monday following is memorial day I don't have to go back until monday, perhaps something on Saturday, or even Sunday afternoon?
Hey when is the gad's party and are we invited to it- if yes hopefully it won't interfere with our hang out time, everyone must go, we need to catch up with one another and not lose touch like we said we'd never do. ok?
I do believe their graduation party is a roller skating party.
And it's the same evening as opening night for pirates, If I'm not mistaken...
is their graduation party the same night as their actual graduation? In any event... Pirates can only be done justice at a midnight screening!
Yes definately
oh baby when you talk like that you make a woman go mad
so be wise, and keep on, reading the signs of my body
And I'm on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right
Crash into me
sweet like candy to my soul, sweet you rock and sweet you role...
(what're you doing out of school at noon on a Wednesday?)
I don't, don't really know what I'm doing
But you seem to have a plan
My will and self restraint
Have come to fail now, fail now
In a boys dream.. in a boys dream
my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely lady...
wow... I knew it wouldn't be long before we went there, but still... wow
Hmmm...don't know about that...how about a nice resounding chorus of "I Want to Hold Your Hand"?
Hehehe...the good old days...before the youth and their hippity-hoppity music...
(btw Joel...I finally saw 300...don't know why I waited so long to see a bunch of full-grown men running around in diapers...no, really, I loved it...)
Laura, perhaps due to the long time since I've experienced your conversational stylings, or perhaps due to the utter lack of conversational stylings to be found anywhere NEAR my current residence, actually it's probably a depressing mixture of both, but WHATEVER the reason may be, I'm confused by your comment. Did you really like the movie, or were you employing a little sly sarcasm? As for the grown men running around in diapers... I am totally going as a spartan next year for halloween, and Andrew is going as that big fat guy who chopped off the heads of Xerxes generals. He doesn't know he's going as that yet, but he will be.
Oh and, a little classic music is just the ticket, but I think I'll go with some styx
I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory. Some happy, some sad I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had. We live happily forever, so the story goes. But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold. But well try best that we can to carry on.
I'm impressed you finished those lyrics JWB. I was at home working on my poiesis since I don't have a laptop yet.
I'm a little hurt Jay, you disorganized my initials... that hurts man. As for the lyrics, you know what I say, "it's all up here." Maybe you didn't know that I say that, but I do, and it's generally accompanied by an index finger pointing at my right temple. Yeah school has broadened my musical library considerably, but enough about that. Poiesis, huh, last draft is due tomorrow is it not?
As a matter of fact I've just finished my poiesis. I guess I should have some sort of breakdown.
Luv u Wally-bo-bo!
Don't have a breakdown just yet, it would be a dreadful way to finish out the year, perhaps after graduation. I'd recommend something more in the vein of recent blog conversation, such as finding some great song about victory and playing it about as loud as you can stand to hear. As for me and the group in my car post-poiesis, we listened to "You're the One That I Want" from Grease, not realyl victorious I know, but we were in a state of euphoria so it wasn't so much which song, as it was a song period. Anyway, congrats on finishing.
That was so good, as I recall we listened to it about 4 times on our various fork runs to the store...good times!
those store people were sick of seeing us, as I recall. we kept coming and going and coming back, and somebody needed shoes... who was it who didn't have shoes with them and needed a pair to wear inside?
Jay, your class all looked remarkably lucid when I sat in on Humane Letters this morning....considering that Poiesis was due...I remember that night (and morning) all too well....
Sorry for the confusion Joel...yes I did like 300. Very much. But some of it was incredibly entertaining. The running around in diapers, for instance. Xerxes was hilarious (and TALL...what was with that?)...no wonder he kept all the floozies around...he had to have some women to help him with his fantastic eye make-up. And except for the lame queen speech to the senate (or whatever that was--she practically launched into a "Truth, Justice and the American way!"), I really liked it...I'm just feeling exceptionally cynical tonight. It was gorgeous and the battle scenes were...well...they were amazing. I'm all for halloween costumes...sorry I couldn't volunteer to be one of the spartan women...NOT going there...
Got my Poiesis invitation today. SO excited about that...and the fact that most of you will be back soon!
Ah, thank you for clarifying. I'm glad you liked it, and you're right, some of it was very entertaining, and Xerxes was... an interesting touch. Not that I'm offended on behalf of anyone or anything. The Queen's speech was a bit much but I was SO happy when she stabbed that creep.
Anyway, I thought of all you classmates because I decided to watch both spider-mans to prep for the third at midnight. I was just recalling watching number 2. fun, fun, fun. Later.
to the left to the left, everything you own in the box to the left
you must not know 'bout me, you must not know 'bout me, I could have another you in a minute...
NOOOO!!! I can't believe you two...shameful!!
Hey Joel...you write for your school newspaper, right? So, my sister (who is the editor-in-chief for the Clackamas Community College paper) was at ONPA last weekend and she noticed that some fellow named Joel Buck got an award!?! For Best Review, I think? YAY! That is SO cool (if it's you, that is....I don't think there's another Joel Buck on staff)! From the looks of it, you school paper did pretty good overall.
Anyway, sorry for the random comment, but congrats!!!!
Thanks Laura. Yeah, the school paper's been pretty fun this year, though I've had to go out and buy reading glasses so I can look the part whilst I type up stories.
By Golly, Laura that was in fact our Joel Buck. I'm suprised he didn't share that with everyone earlier (Gosh Joel so modest) but basically it boils down to the fact that our Joel is amazing!! That is all.
this looks like a job for me, so everybody just follow me, cuz we need a little controversy, cuz it seems so empty without me
Eminem, I'll be honest, I never thought I'd see the day. He's roundly abused by most everybody, but I don't feel bad for him, he's a little too much to handle, scratch that, a lot too much to handle.
don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Guess who is borrowing a $900 amp that has 136 different settings in order to imitate stevie ray vaughn, brian may, eric clapton, jimi hendrix, van halen, dire straits and a whole lot more.
your mom?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
Forever, we can make it better
Tell me boy, Now wouldn't that be sweet?
Sweet escape
That ain't workin'
That's the way you do it.
Money for nothing,
And your chicks for free.
Naa na na na na na naaa
Na na na naaa
Hey Jude
And even as I wander I'm keeping you in sight, you're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter's night. And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might.
And I can't fight this feeling anymore, I've forgotten what I started fighting for. It's time to bring this ship into the shore, and throw away the oars forever.
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