Looking back - January
This will be, I hope, a montage of pictures, events, and quotes from the first month of a year of blogging. I will try not to be partial to myself. I swear. I also thought, that in the month of Thanksgiving, this is a nice thing to be thankful for.
"Hey guys, if you're reading this you made it to our blog, I should be studying for Art History and French, but I'm not and that's the way it is. Anyway, by now finals will be over for us so have a good week end and make a post!
Joel" - First post
i'm not crazy, just a little impared said...
HOORAY for this awsome blog!! the only problem is that i can't figure out for the life of me how to actually post a blog! i know you told us the password and name in class joel but it wont work for me, i think i a definatly doing something wrong. definatly" - First comment

"We are going to die in 6 minutes, but then it's almost over." - Which Final was this for?

Where we were also first directed to Joel's Movie Blog
Ab said...
oh yeah, kiss me baby, on the lips, a big wet one!! - Remember this?
Finals are Done, and A Story Revealed! - Beginning of Mister Buck's story! The comments contain many good quotes, too many for me to just copy paste.

Our last semester!
And thus we finish the first day of our last semester together. Think about all the great times we have had, the memories we've shared, the tests we've survived, and the friendships we've built. I hope and pray that we can finish strong. I love you all! Laura Girl
"Another day has come and gone. another year has past, another season starts to fade and here we are at last. And now it's time to turn the page, this chapter must now end although it's time to say good-bye to everlasting friends..."
Love you, Chels
Someone needs to say something about that Mrs. Magill.

And holy crud, this is the comment recordholder!! - Phil, when this post hit 20 comments. It eventually maxed out at 23!
Okay, I hope you all enjoyed this. If so, we have several months worth of history to review! (Although I think a stop at July or so would be good, don't want too much recent history, not as exciting as a good dig through the archives!) Do you all want February, or should I wait a month?