Ok people, it has been awhile (to say the least) since we have gathered together to... well PARTY of course!! We are the party class after all and let me say we do throw the hottest parties around. Therefore we need another one so that we can share all our great college memories and reminisce about all our previous school days together. So I'm thinking...everyone is mostly going to be around this summer right? I, right now, only know of one person who will be out of town until the end of July, so if everybody can let me know when you are available to party that would be great. No worries guys, I promise to not make you all drive out to my house, (although that would be pretty freaking sweet if you guys wanted to have an all-nighter or something) but I want to make sure everyone can come. More details to come but first I need dates. Right now I'm thinking first week of August, give me feedback, I can't wait to see all of you!! Love you Mucho! -Chelsea
Guys please, I have three more weeks in california and I have absolutely nothing and I mean NOTHING better to do than plan a party, unless of course you guys have no desire to see each other, then it's on your heads. But other wise, help me fill my life with something more than...um doing nothing.
I'm interested, but my schedule is somewhat flexible and... well unpredictable. As such, I don't have any good scheduling input, sorry.
I second phil's remark. where are we thinking of having this thing? At a home, or out somewhere?
Well, it looks like I'll be occupied from July 17 for approximately a month. Sporadically occupied up to that date, and after the month is over I'll be hyperventilating about school starting and whimpering that my summer is over so soon.
What about an evening for dinner or something? Not a huge thing but just a get together to catch up? Would that work for all 3 of us? ;)
OUr movie room should be ready by July 1st...hopefully....
hottest parties? ummmmmm...no.
I think we're going to have to have a party off... and by that I mean a competition of the fiercest nature in which our two classes throw a series of hot parties to determine which class throws THE hottest parties. Or we could forgo the formality, seeing as how we all know who the winners would be.
Party?! Yes please! I think Tyler is the one keeping me up to date on all the goings on as I don't have facebook (a fact that I am still proud of, btw). Send me an email, and I will do my very best to be there. Love you all, and can't wait!
um our blog kindof sucks...
wow, this really is sad...
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