Ok people, it has been awhile (to say the least) since we have gathered together to... well PARTY of course!! We are the party class after all and let me say we do throw the hottest parties around. Therefore we need another one so that we can share all our great college memories and reminisce about all our previous school days together. So I'm thinking...everyone is mostly going to be around this summer right? I, right now, only know of one person who will be out of town until the end of July, so if everybody can let me know when you are available to party that would be great. No worries guys, I promise to not make you all drive out to my house, (although that would be pretty freaking sweet if you guys wanted to have an all-nighter or something) but I want to make sure everyone can come. More details to come but first I need dates. Right now I'm thinking first week of August, give me feedback, I can't wait to see all of you!! Love you Mucho! -Chelsea