There is no need for a title to this post for it is more of a citation than an update on life happenings. This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the post, it has to do with foundations of this Blog and the original rules of participation. If you look to the second post on this Blog you can find the original three rules that were written at the beginning to order the maintenance of the Blog by us the eleven class mates. The third and final rule says :
"Rule 3) No erasing other people's posts, it's just not nice."
It can't get much simpler than that, and this is certainly not up for debate. I was the author of the now absent post published the 18th of July 2006. I was not the person who removed said post so it stands to reason, unless the account information has been given to parties outside of the original eleven, that one of us has broken this rule. It may have been in an effort to stop "needless arguments" or it may have been because some person was too offended by opinions of others involved, the reason is entirely irrelevant. You may stay hidden if you so choose, or you may reveal yourself, at this point neither action would surprise me. What has surprised me is that one of us has decided that they know better than the other ten and they believe this gives them the right to flagrantly disregard the rules of the Blog. The point of a free debate forum is that all opinions can be stated without needing the approval of the majority much less one or two individuals. This isn't Communist China, it is not for others to decide what one person thinks and says, no matter how misguided or incorrect one party may deem another. I'm a little disappointed that it's come to this. What is now to stop others from using profane language? It was a rule just like the others. Why couldn't I just decide that because I think I know better I can spew curse words through all my posts and comments? We are supposed to be these smart, polite, intelligent, classically trained people, what does it say about us that our Rhetoric leads us to ignoring and erasing opinions just because we don't like them? That's a rhetorical question, the point of all this is that the actions taken to erase the controversial post were completely against the rules of the Blog and if such behaviour continues it only means that the Blog as it was meant to be is dead and useless, and violaters will be removed.
-Joel Buck